Chapter Ten - First Return

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She took a deep breath, struggling to pluck up the courage. This was it. Her first return to her childhood home. She hadn't been back since walking out after the fall out with her mother. She was breaking the promise she made to herself, but for a good reason. She needed answers, knowing that was enough to give her the encouragement to bring her hand up to the door and get someone's attention.

Knock knock. Lucy waited nervously in anticipation for someone to answer. She desperately hopped it would be her mother who answered and not the vile creature who lived with her. It would not be a pleasant visit if he did answer. However, it probably would not be pleasant even if her mother answered the door.

She knew the house so well, having lived there for most of her life. There were all year round roses, the beautiful, pink, old fashioned ones, trailing gracefully up the side of the wall the way you would imagine a gorgeous fairy house to be. It looked old, rickety and inviting. Three things that were entirely misleading about the house and people who lived there.

The door was slowly pulled open after a few minutes. A tired, drink face greeted her unwelcomely. He looked like he'd been up all night. He probably had. The nearby pub was open twenty four hours a day, most days of the week. It was a short walk away, less than three minutes, depending on how drunk you are.

He dark, dim eyes dulled even more when he saw her face. Lucy had a confident look, one he had never seen on Lucy's face before. The way he remembered her, she was a weak, vulnerable, little girl. She wouldn't let him hurt her, not this time; he'd done enough of that in past years.

She watched his eyes light up as he remembered the past. He'd got his punch bag back. At long, long last.

Lucy held a sweet, fake smile on her pale face. She was beginning to dread being here. It was a huge mistake, but a risk she was taking for the sake of Jon and his family. Even though his three days were up, she still felt a strong responsibility to solve it. For Jon. It was the least she could do for him. Even if it did me indulging a visit with her evil step father.

"Is your wife home?" Lucy sneered; refusing to call her 'mother' or 'mum'. She didn't feel it was deserved. She didn't mean anything to Lucy anymore. Betrayal shimmered through her, making her feel a pang of hurt. Maybe it was finally time for her to forgive and forget. She mentally shook her head. Forgiveness was way too much more than what her mother truly deserved. The most she deserved was the short visit she was getting today, which may or may not take place, depending on the man, who she married, standing in the way.

He had an evil look on his face, "You'll be happy to know you're stuck with me. She's not here. Welcome home Punch Bag," his eyes look like They were grinning at her annoyance.

She rolled her eyes, asking the most obvious question, "When will she get back then?"

The man in front of her shrugged carelessly, "How should I know? Why are you even here, eh?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She sighed, talking to him was difficult, she felt as though she was hitting her head against a brick wall, repeatedly.

"Watch your lip, Missy. You always did come out with snide remarks or answer me back," her step father moaned, changing the past to fit him.

Lucy laughed out loud, harshly, "Is that why there was never a day where I was told I was stupid or where I was beaten? I tried so hard to get you to fit in with the family, I didn't want my father replaced, I tried so hard to be the perfect daughter for you, but it wasn't enough. It's sad getting verbal and physical abuse at school, but from someone who married his way into my family, someone who was meant to make a good impression and try to fit in, it's much, much worse."

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