Projects and partners.

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Kirstie POV

I woke up feeling excited and super happy despite yesterday's scenes. Today i had a date with Zeke and i still hadn't told Scott and Mitch. I got up and dressed without waking the biggest jerk on the planet ....Aka Avi. I went early to class like always an bumped into Scömìche.

"Hey girl!" Said Mitch. "Hey queen. What's up?" I asked "Oh nothing. Just on our way to English class." Replied Scott. "I have biology now. Fun..... especially with my lab partner." I said sarcastically. "Oh yeah. Sorry about that."

"By the way. Tonight i have a date." I squeeled. "Really?! Who's the lucky man?.... hope he's cute." Mitch said more excited than i was. "Well.... it's Zeke." I explained hidinig my face in my books.

"Oh that's gre- wait a minute. THE Zeke Johnson?" Said Mitch..... okay we all know he screamed but whatever. "Shhh..... you don't have to announce that to everyone on the 3rd floor. And yes THE Zeke Johnson. I'm going out with him tonight." "You have to let us help you get ready." Suggested Mitch and i nodded. "When? Where? Who? What? How? Why?" I giggled at his excitement and replied. "Tonight at 7.00. In my dorm. You, Scott and I. You're helping me. By finding me a cute outfit to wear. Because i have a date." "Aye aye capitan!" Said Scott saluting. "I can't hear you?!" Sang Mitch. "Aye aye capitan!!!" Shouted Scott. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt and tears were falling out of my eyes. They were both obsessed with spongebob so this was something i heard daily but it never gets old.

We finished talking and went to our classes. I was the first one there, as usual, so i just started studying over what we were doing today just to be prepared. The door was closed and all the windows were shut. I was done with studying and i was also very bored because i had another 10 minutes to wait so i started singing a song quietly...... eventhough there was nobody around. I started singing Gravity by Sara Barellies.

I closed my eyes and started the song. When i was about to finish, i opened my eyes and found someone standing near the door. I immediately stopped and lowered my head. I didn't see who it was because it was a little dark. I was so distracted i didn't even notice that someone had walked in.

"You're a really good singer Kirstie." Said that person who i soon realised was Ms.Peters. "T-thank" i stuttered. "No..... thankyou. Our school choir needs you. I'm signing you up." She said excitedly but didn't give me a chance to beg her not to because the bell rang and she ran to her desk.

I opened my book and tried to find the page that the teacher told us to go on. I felt the seat next to me move and looked from the corner of my eye and saw Avi sitting down. I didn't look at him and continued flipping through the pages. He put his hand on my thigh and i looked at him like he was insane but he was looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay? Last night you were crying and i know you said you were fine but i can't help but think that you're not." I knew he wasn't faking but i just had to say it. "Is this some sort of joke? Why are you pretending to care?" "I'm not preten-" "Mr.Kaplan and Ms.Maldonado..... anything you would like to share with the rest of the class?" Asked Ms.Peters. "No ma'am." Said Avi while i just shaked my head. "Good. Let's continue with the lesson shall we?"

And she started talking but all i could hear was that same scentence repeating itself in my head. Are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?........ Ugghhhh. Why can't i concentrate?

I didn't notice that the lesson was over and the teacher had assigned us a project due in two weeks. And guess who my partner is? Oh yeah.... Avi. Because we have to be paired with our lab partners for every project..... EVERY SINGLE PROJECT! This day could not get any better.

Ms.Peters handed us some notes for the project. There was something scribbled on the frount page of my notes.
Choir practice after lunch. Be there. You got a real talent!
I guess I'll give it a try i said to myself and ran out of class. I had two more lessons before lunch, math, which thankfully i had with Mitch and after that i had social studies. I hate that subject but it was soon over because lunchtime finally came.

I was roaming through the cafeteria when i saw Scott sitting at a table. I sat next to him. "Hey nugget!" He greeted me. "Hey french fry!" I greated back and we both just laughed it off. "Where's Mitch?" I asked. "Bathroom." Scott and i continued talking till the queen finally showed up.

"Your royal majesty." Scott said as he bowed down to Mitch. "The qeen has arrived." He said raising his hand and waving it gracefully. I just giggled at their craziness. The bell soon rang and we started packing our stuff. "See you at the library later then" Scott said as he started leaving. I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. "I can't come today. I have choir practice later." "Oh oka.... wait a minute. Choir?" Scott asked. "Yeah. Ms.Peters signed me up." "That's great! You've got a lovely voice and you'll blow them away." Scott's words really encouraged me.

I put all of my stuff in my backpack and headed to choir. I entered the room and sat at the side. "Good morning students. I am Mr.Hudson, your choir teacher and today we are going to be working on an assignment. I'm going to group you up into pairs. So let's start shall we?"

The teacher started calling out names and then mine came up and i got up from my chair.  "Let's see. Maldonado with..... uh yes. Kaplan. Maldonado and Kaplan." I had breathing problems. Kaplan..... as in the avi kaplan. I turned around to find him as shocked as i am. He was sitting right behind me. I sat back down and tried to calm myself but it was no use. The lesson ended and i got out of the classroom as quick as my feet could carry me.

Avi fricking Kaplan. Every single time it has to be that son of a bit.... brick. I got to my dorm and jumped on the bed laying in a starfish position. I heard the door open and arranged myself properly. I saw the jerk come in and sit on his bed. There was a long silence.

"So umm.... you wanna start on that project?" He asked. I had to cancel and do it another time since i had a date tonight. "I can't tonight.... i have plans." "What kind of plans?" He asked. "Why so interested?" I talked back at him. "It's fine if you don't wanna tell me. Just say that next time." He told me. "I have a..... date. Happy now! Oh and before you ask with who, it's with Zeke.... yes.... THE Zeke Johnson." I said getting up from my bed.

"WHAT?" He screamed..... and i jumped back down on my bed. His face turned red while mine turned pale.

Hey lovelies!
So i made this chapter a little extra long.... since the cahpters before were kind of boring. Hope this makes up for it. I know it's not a lot but thanks so much for 44 reads. I love you guys so much.
Stay gorgeous! 😁😚✌💓

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