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Kirstie POV

He was leaning in and I froze. I didn't know what to do. He put one of his hands on my cheek and started getting closer. Our faces where inces apart untill we heard someone knock on the door. We both jumped and he turned redder than a tomato. I got up and opened the door to find Amanda wearing very revealing clothes.

"Hey nerd! Hey boo!" She said as she walked in. "Hey Amanda. What are you do-" he was cut off by her kissing him. I had to look away because I felt this pain above my stomach and I had no idea what it means. Could I be jelous? He was about to kiss me a couple of seconds ago and now he's kissing that idiot. How could he be so ignorant?

"You forgot? Josh is throwing a party. Let's go or we're gonna be late!" She cried. "Oh right... Josh yeah!" He said. "Let's goooo." She said as she pulled him off his bed causing him to fall.

As they left she stepped on my foot again with her high pointed heels and pushed me to the ground. Avi saw what she did and came to help me. He reached his hand out but I ignored him and got up by myself.

"I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry too. If you were really sorry you would've stayed here or at least told her something about pushing me. I'm weak okay?! But it's okay because i really don't care about people like you! Let the nerd stay here all alone with her books and hope she doesn't get buried in them. Goodnight! Just in case I don't see you when you get back."

And with that i slammed the door in his face and went to my bed. I turned off the lights and cried myself to sleep.

I heard the door open but didn't bother to look at who it was. I looked at my clock and saw it was 1am. It could've been a cerial killer for God's sake! Then i heard someone mumble something and soon realised it was Avi because of how deep and low his voice was. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

I felt something tickle my neck and from the feel of it i knew it was Avi's beard. "Goodnight. Sweet dreams!" Avi said as he kissed my forehead. But that's the last thing I remember because I drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to the buzzing sound of my alarm clock at 6am. Today we start classes at 8 and i was excited. I looked to the other side of the room to find Avi asleep in his bed and i instantly remembered last night. I brushed it off and continued with my day. I went to the bathroom and changed into black jeans and a dark blue top with black boots. I put my hair into a bun, grabbed my things and left without waking Avi up.

I needed to get my mind off of things and the best way to do that was to go to Scott and Mitch. They gave me a spare key so i can visit them any time i want. I opened the door and found them both kissing on Scott's bed. I always knew they liked eachother so to me, this was not a surprise. I dropped my book so they could hear me.

"Uh..... hi Kirst..... we were just erm...." Scott said while Mitch put his hands over his face. I just smiled at them and picked up my book.

"Yeah.... I'll leave you to it. Have fun! But not too much fun..." i winked at them and left. I still had about an hour left so i decided to go to my room smiling all the way there.

I entered to find Avi awake in bed just staring at the ceiling. I didn't want to bother him so i just sat on my bed and did the same. "I'm sorry." He said. "Keep telling that to yourself." I told him. "Yesterday was just a mistake. It was meaningless. It was just a feeling of the moment. You like Amanda and Amanda likes you. You'll live a happy life with her and you'll only remember me as the nerdy roomate you had. You don't like me. You just pity me." I said and left. I didn't even let him speak. I liked him.... i really did. But i knew that there was no chance for us.

I went to class early. I had Biology firsy...... my favourite subject. Students started to fill the classroom but nobody sat next to me obviously. Avi entered the classroom and I was in complete shock. There was only one seat left...... next to me. He sat next to me and we ignored eachother for the rest of the lesson. It turns out that he was going to be my lab partner for the rest of the school year. Oh how fun.

I was walking out of class when all of a sudden, Zeke, one of Avi's friends stopped me. "Hey beautiful." He said as he grabbed my hand. I removed my hand from his grip and said "Hi?" It was more like a question. "So... you and me in the alley behind the school tomorrow night at 8.... what do ya say?" I had no idea what to say to him so i just said. "Erm... o...okay. sure!" "Sweet! See ya babe."

I left and went to my dorm. I opened the door and saw something i thought i would never forget.

Hey loves!
Sorry if this was a little boring but i didn't think of anything else to write. Writers block... but i still hope you enjoyed it. I will try to update soon.
Luv ya'll so so sooo very much!
Stay gorgeous! 😘😍😘😍

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