"What?" I become amused myself for some reason, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Nothing, I just don't understand why anyone would be as stupid as Nate to let you go." His eyes never left the road.

"Oh.." I frowned, "You heard?"

"Almost everyone did," He looked at me for a brief second, his eyes filled with pity before they were back on the road ahead. "if Jamie's involved, then she's going to blabber it out to everyone."

I let out a sigh, "great."

Callie's POV

"Callie, tell me everything you know about this girl," My mother's eyes were full of excitement, which was beyond confusing to me. "You said her mom is the Mrs. Jackson?"

"Yeah, and her name is Snow Jackson, they're really nice mom, Snow's the only person who has been nice to me... and she understands me..." I give her a smile, one that's genuine. "That's why I wanted to talk to you about them- They need our help. I know you have ties still within the community, so I thought-"

She snorted at me, interrupting me as she looked at me as if I were the most gullible person in the world.

"Nonsense! She's a vampire! Vampires don't care about wolves, they just use you until they get what they want, take it from her mom. That's what she did to Dan." Mom had raised her eyebrows as she brought her phone out from her purse.

"That's enough mom! You don't know them so you can't say that! You're always so quick to judge people!" I growl, my anger with her only growing.

Don't come out, you can control it. I want to control it, killing my mother wouldn't exactly be the best look for me.

"Don't get all snappy, you know what they say." She rolls her eyes at me, standing from her seat on the couch. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to make a phone call."

And without another word she disappeared into her room.

I knew this was a mistake... I have to warn Snow.

Snows POV

"So where are you taking me?" I chuckle. We've been on the road for 30 minutes and he hasn't given me the slightest clue on where we're going.

"Don't worry about it, we'll be there in five minutes." He turns his head in my direction to give me a wink.

"Okay," I sigh. "I'm just not too fond of surprises."

"Too bad." He sticks out his tongue playfully, causing me to laugh. A few moments later, we arrive at a ring full of ice. The image reminded me of Antartica, making my heart swell in my chest.

This is the absolute best place I've been taken since being here.

Callie's POV

Instead of waiting around for my mother to lie about who she was talking to, I decide to put my ear up to her bedroom door.

Her conversation was faint, but I could make out what she had been saying.

"Aren't you glad you got out here yesterday?" I hear her laugh, which makes my heart begin to race.

I have such a bad feeling about this, god- why did I even tell her?

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