Chapter Five: Return

Start from the beginning

"I'm not afraid of hurting them. They're moving too much." I replied in a huff. Solid stairs would have been so much simpler.

Kai seemed to like that. His red eyes sparked with interest. "More and more, I see what my brother likes about you. Forget that they are alive, and they will become as solid as stone. Just keep moving. I'll be right behind you. You won't fall. If you do, I will catch you." That was no comfort at all.

It's just a staircase. Just an ordinary staircase. I repeated in my head as I made my way up. With each step, my confidence grew, and the less and less I felt the goblins moving beneath my feet, the less I wondered if I hurt them, and the less I cared if I did. A smile spread across my face as I lifted my head with pride, feeling no longer the need to watch my footing. And there, waiting for me at the top, was Knut, grinning that winner's grin that said, "I know you're enjoying yourself, Little Mouse."

"What brings my lovely lady out to the Hollow? In her negligee no less." Knut snickered. Rattish teeth peeked from between his lips.

I was rudely reminded that I was only wearing the blue silk nightgown. To me, it felt no less grand than a ballgown. Trying to hide my blush, I turned up my nose as I maneuvered myself around him and perched upon the mushroom bench as if it were the most natural thing. The firm, yet soft texture of the mushroom was surprisingly comfortable. "In my haste to leave this hell of a kingdom, I forgot to change. Lend me your jacket, Knut." I fixed him with a knowing look. "Or would you rather my body remain bare for all the world, and your brother to see? I do think he has taken a liking to me."

"No need to throw about threats, Tilly." He shrugged off his green jacket and draped it on my shoulders as he sat beside me.

"Please, do not call me that." I stated as clearly as possible. "It was my father's pet name for me. No one else's."

"Understood. Maybe Wife is more to your liking?" His grin turned even more crooked. "Or perhaps, Queen? I told you the royal life would suit you."

"I'm partial to Princess Stabhappy, myself." Kai joined in. "You see what she did to me, Knut? She stuck me good." He gestured to the bloody stain on his shirt.

"She is prone to that sort of thing. I should have warned you." He didn't sound sorry in the slightest. "Did you do something to deserve her blade? Offer her the world on a silver platter or something?" Knut asked humorously.

"He tried to attack me!" I held Knut's arm and did my best to look frightened. I leaned in closer to whisper in his ear. "You should punish him for trying to harm me. He was going to choke the life from me, I know it."

"Where did you find this one, aye? Did you spawn her yourself or did you drag her out of the darkest pit in hell?" Kai glared at me as if I'd betrayed a great trust. "I didn't even know humans made women like that. She's totally putrid."

"Careful, Kai, you're turning green with envy. What would your precious Freya think of you ogling another?" Knut seemed to take pleasure in making Kai blush and squirm with shame.

The mentioning of Kai's bride reminded me of why I'd come in the first place. "Knut, Freya told me some very troubling things about your traditions. Is it true that you and Kai must fight to decide who will be king and that the winner gets the loser's bride as well as his own? Even if the winner is your father?" I asked and readied myself for his answer. Suddenly the war drums changed their tempo.

"Shush, the next fight is starting. I'll explain in a moment." He silenced me with a bony finger against my lips. I turned my attention to the fighting pit as two human sized goblins entered. They were each clad in elaborate costumes of leather, feathers and small pieces of metal plating that didn't look thick enough to protect against a hard enough blow. The two men were polar opposites in height and build, much like the two brothers beside me. The big, hulking one wore a coat with thorn-like spines sticking off the back. A gold knight's helm covered his face. The other was much shorter and thin. His skull mask had an almost birdlike beak. A cape red as blood fell from his shoulders and dragged the ground behind him. They each carried a different weapon. The spiked one carried a heavy mace with a long handle. The bird held a golden sword, its blade as thin and as sharp as a needle's.

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