"Bye Dean!"

"Bye, Sammy."

Dean raced to the school as fast as he could for your sake. He couldn't stand the thought of you being stuck up at the school sick as you were. He hated that he still sent you anyway despite his worry of you being sick.

When Dean got to the school, he rushed into the office and saw you sitting in of the chairs half-asleep. You looked awful and Dean couldn't help feeling bad. Dean walked up to you and shook your shoulder gently.

"Y/N." He softly whispered your name. It didn't take much, you instantly opened your eyes and sat up a little. Your tired eyes wandered around the room as if you were almost trying to remember where you were. "D-dean?" You asked in a strained and hoarse whisper.

"Yeah, honey its me. Ready to go home?" Dean asked you kneeling down right in front of you. "Yeah, yeah." You said trying to stand up and when you did you must have done it too fast and you got a little dizzy and you fell into Dean. Dean instantly picked you up in his arms and didn't look like he was going to let you down for a long time.

You laid your head down against his warm chest and closed your eyes. The school secretary got up and opened the door for Dean. "We hope she feels soon, Mr. Winchester." She said feeling horrible.

"Thank you." Dean said smiling for a second. He carried you all they way out to the impala and he laid you down in the back seat of the impala. You moaned a little when the impala started moving. "It's okay, sweetheart we'll be back home soon and you'll get in the bed and get some rest."

Dean said looking at you from his rear view mirror and you didn't look good at all. Dean got home quickly just like he said and he didn't even bother to see if you could stand on your own and he just picked up again.

He banged on the door to get Sam's attention so he could get the door. He could hear Sam run up the stairs and when he opened the door his shoulders drooped. "Oh man." Sam said letting the both of you in. Dean brought you down the stairs and brought you right to your room.

He laid you down and he made sure you were comfortable and told you get some rest. You groaned in response and let out a little okay.

"Sleep well, angel." Dean said kissing your forehead. Dean was happy it wasn't very hot.

Dean close your door so you get some sleep and Sam was right at the door way waiting to hear word on you. "She doesn't feel too warm to me but she does not look good to me at all."

Dean told Sam what he thought. "I agree." Sam said shaking his head this time. "In a little while after she gets some sleep I'll get her up and I need to make a run to grab a few things and see if she wants anything."

Dean said walking pass Sam and heading in the direction of the library. "Okay." Sam said walking to catch up with his brother. "Let's hope this is just a cold or something to that effect." Dean said taking a quick detour into the kitchen and grabbing something to drink.

"Yeah we can only hope." Sam said grimly and he returned to his computer. Dean sighed and took another sip of his drink.

A little while later Dean did wake you up just like he said he would. He didn't want you losing sleep that night if you slept the whole day away. He helped you up and brought you into Sam's room where he was on his bed. .

"Hey Y/N!" Sam said scooting over on his bed so you could be right beside him. You sat beside him and you let a little quiet hey. "Now, that you are settled and stuff I am going to quickly run out a get a few things, do you need anything? Dean asked looking over at you.

Supernatural One Shots (Mostly Dean)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz