1: Asleep on The Job

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Tauriel's POV

I hurried through the halls, panting. I'm supposed to be at the watchtower in two minutes for my first watch as Commander. How did the time fly? I guess it's pretty distracting when your always hanging out with the handsome prince of Mirkwood ...

"You'll be the best Commander ever," He had told me when he heard I got the part.

"Let's hope," I'd said back.

I rushed up the stairs leading to the watchtower. I can't be late! Thrandruil already doesn't like me, for some whatever reason, and I need him to like me if he's Legolas's father!!

I swung open the door and immediately saw a familiar white mane in front of me. Not good familiar. Bad familiar. Bad as in not Legolas but the closest thing, which happens to be very terribly bad.

It also happens to wear a spiky golden crown.

"Your late," Thrandruil's solemn voice said. His back was facing me, but I was sure I heard resentment in his voice.

"Sir, I am--"

"Not making a very good first impression as Commander?" He smirked over his shoulder. "I agree."

Yes, and I agree you need to get a less threatening crown, I thought. If you keep wearing that people will think you're trying to commit suicide.

"You will watch this tower until 10:00," he walked over to me. "Let's hope you're a better lookout than a timekeeper."

"Yes sir," I said as he brushed past, his long silver cloak trailing down the stairs like a river.

When he was gone, I relaxed. Why in Middle Earth's name did he hate me so much? He doesn't even pretend to like me when Legolas is around, much less when we're alone. Is it because I'm a girl? Because that's just sexist.

I turned towards the chair that sat in the middle of the stone tiled floor and sat down. I stared off into the blue cloak of night, stars scattered across like silver beads on a blue tablecloth. I let the wind rush through my ginger hair, tangling it around my ears.

I wondered what Legolas would be doing right now.


Legolas's POV

I released an arrow, letting it drive past my bow and slice through the target in front of me. Another Bullseye, I thought. Whoopdido. I couldn't help but think training would be so much more fun if Tauriel was doing it with me. She would probably tease about being able to shoot two bullseye at once, and then surprise herself by actually doing it.

But now she's a Commander, no more fun and games. Real work. Real. Boring.  Work. Real. Work that is real and boring. Really boring work. Boring work that is very very real.

Not that this isn't boring, I thought with a sigh. In the end, I put my bow and quiver of arrows away and walked out of the training room.

Should I go visit her? I pondered, staring out at the tall watchtower. I could just make out a small figure on top with a waterfall of red hair. No, I told myself.  She needs concentration, or who knows what might enter Mirkwood. I would just be a distraction.

But this is Tauriel, I thought. I bet she's doing great, sharp as an eagle's eye.  Nothing can escape her watchful gaze.


Tauriel's POV

"Commander ..."

I grumbled, ignoring the irritating voice and falling back asleep.

"Commander Tauriel ..."

"What ..." I managed to peel my eyes open. I was still sitting the watchtower chair, supposedly doing my job. Supposedly. That also explained the strange crick in my neck.

Then I realized what just happened and my eyes widened.

I fell asleep. I thought in horror. I fell asleep on the job!! I silently cursed myself, still in shock that I actually fell asleep, "How long was I out?" I asked the guard who came to take my place.

"Two hours, ma'am."

"Aw, crap," I muttered, covering my eyes. So much for being the best Commander ever. "What time is it?"

"10:11, ma'am."

Guilt passed in my stomach and I didn't know what to say. The guard was probably quite amused, having seen his Commander asleep on her job, "Well," I stood up. "Let's hope that you'll do a much better job than me."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thats an order," I said, before turning and walking through the open door, hurrying to leave the watchtower as fast as I could without tripping and making a bigger fool out of myself than I already have.

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