13: The end Of Raeyla Nightshade

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Tauriel's POV

We talked and laughed for a while, until--BASH!!! We heard a club as it smashed into something. And we knew exactly what had mad that sound: ORCS.

As fast as a Warg, we dashed to grab our weapons and darted out of the room.

On the way down the stairs, I caught a glimpse  of a nearby battle down on the what used to be a cheerful, flowery meadow but now was a ferocious kill zone.

As Legolas, Raeyla and me entered, we flew to help the other elves with the orc pack. I quickly quipped out my bow and an arrow and shot an orc in its eye.

It howled in pain. Then I unsheathed my two daggers and slewed it. I yanked my arrow back from its swelling eye and scanned all around me, searching for a new target.

THWACK!!!!! I turned and at my feet, lay a dead Warg with an elvish arrow buried in its head. I looked to see who shot that arrow.

I found it was Raeyla who saved my life. Man! If it wasn't for her, I'd be dead meat! I smiled a quick thanks before I casted my views around me.

I could hear a Warg barreling its way toward me.  Without even turning my gaze to it, I tossed one of my daggers and it embedded itself into the Warg's back.

I smirked. Then another Orc rushed up to me, trying to stab me in the back. Luckily, I turned just in time to see it, but I wasn't fast enough.

The orc succeeded in cutting a gash on my sides. Jeez! It hurt so much! I wasn't quick enough to grab my other knife, I feared I didn't have enough energy to even fight!

Other orcs joined in, Surely this was going to be the end of my life! I couldn't defeat that many orcs when I'm having loss of energy!

But just then, PING! Raeyla jumped in! She quickly quipped three arrows on the bowstring and shot three orcs in midair.

She whipped her knives out and begun to slash and kill each and every one of them. When the last Orc had been brought down, she stood there gasping for breath.

Raeyla walked over to me and offered her hand. I took it and she helped me up to my feet. Just then, another Orc was quickly but quietly making his way toward her, with a spear!

Just when I was about to warn Raeyla, It was too late. The Orc had stabbed her in the back, she froze in her tracks, her face turning pale as colour started to drain out of her face.

My dear eleth friend fell on her side, letting out desperate gasps.

Now I was madder than ever. I lunged at the Orc, swiping Raeyla's dagger from the ground that she dropped and quickly shoved the knife into the Orc's chest. I hooked my feet around his neck and pulled him down with all my might.

He crashed onto the ground, still and cold. I stood there for a moment, glaring at that filth for harming my good friend who was always by my side, apart from Legolas.

Soon after that, the war was over. I cradled Raeyla into my arms, not even caring about the tears trickling down my cheeks.

I heard thundering of feet fifteen feet away coming towards me. I looked up. It was Legolas.

Legolas's POV

Tauriel was lucky I wasn't too mad at her for not helping to avenge Mirkwood just like she always did at that last battle.

This wasn't like the Tauriel I've known all my life, She never acted like this before, not even once! I thought.

I was getting ready for my scowling face to scold her, then stopped. I took a few steps closer to see who was on her lap.

It was Raeyla! I rushed over, she looked up. I gave her my 'what happened?' looks. Tauriel looked down at Raeyla in reply, I followed her gaze.

Raeyla's limp body was sprawled on Tauriel's lap. There was a spear plunged in her back.

There was blood trailing down from the wound. This couldn't be happening! Raeyla was gone.

I could see Tauriel was...Crying? I've never seen her cry that much tears since the death of Raeyla's older brother!

I looked forlornly at our dear friend: Raeyla Nightshade.

The Next Day

There was a funeral as dawn broke to honor Raeyla Nightshade, who was a good advisor, a good warrior...And a good friend.

Tauriel stepped forward, holding a bouquet of flowers.

She laid it upon Raeyla's coffin and watched as she was carried deep into the earth and buried there.

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