Port-au-Prince, Hispaniola Part 31

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Once the men were keelhauled and their drowned bodies thrown into the sea unceremoniously, the captain summoned the crew again.

"Seamen and officers of the Helena, listen up," said the captain. "As you know it is my way not to tell ye all where our destination be until the right time. Well, now that these traitors have been taken care of and a mutiny avoided in the process, I can now say where we will be going and that is to the Island of Hispaniola - the wonderful city of Port-au-Prince, after Havana where we'll be picking up some cargo and where you will each get $100 bonus for three days of some of the most desirable liberty in all of the Caribbean. But first there will be liberty at a little seaside village with lots of free rum on the beach just a little ways south of Havana, and maybe some local ladies who might just love to see you handsome sailor boys. The crew cheered wildly.

"I could not be straight with you about our destination until now," Pendleton said, "because it would have been much too dangerous to divulge our plans. With a mutiny a'brewing it was just too dangerous and men, my job as captain, is to see to the welfare of the crew, the ship and the purpose of the voyage. We have done that together men, and soon it'll be time for some of your rewards. We'll arrive in Hispaniola in a week's time. But, as always, remember, three days and come back sober enough, men, to do your job responsibly. Thank you shipmates. That is all."

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