Treachery Part 20

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20 Treachery

It so happened that Foster and Hawkins had been out at a pub drinking rum together but neither were intoxicated when they boarded the ship that night. Jenkins met them at the gang plank. "Master at Arms Foster, captain wants to see you right away in his cabin!"

"Really, is there a problem?"

"Oh no sir, he just wanted to discuss the voyage with you and the need to keep the men happy - some are a'feelin' a little under threat by you," Jenkins said, "but he requires your expert opinion - is what he said - right away about how to deal better with the crew on the voyage to Cuba and Domingue. "

"Oh okay, good then Mr. Jenkins sir," the master at arms told Jenkins who - unbeknownst to Foster - was now first mate or the captain's executive officer, promoted from his former unofficial job as second mate. When the master at arms left for the captain's cabin, Jenkins told Hawkins that he couldn't board for another ten minutes.

"Sorry, captain's orders," he said.

"I'm sure the captain didn't mean me sonny, so step aside please," said the chief mate who had no idea that his arrest for treason was moments away.

"I said nobody comes aboard 'til I say so!" Jenkins said ominously.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" Hawkins said.

"The new executive officer. Captain just appointed me," said Jenkins, adding, "No joke. Better get used to it."

"I'll take no orders from you! Get out of my way!" said Hawkins.

Jenkins moved aside as the first mate glowered at him while passing him.

"So, disobeying an order from a superior officer eh? Jenkins said. "Stop or I'll put one right through the back of your head you treacherin' scum," said Jenkins, now touching the barrel of his pistol to the back of the chief's head. "Now just over there to your left and back down the ladder into the hold, quietly and slowly," said Jenkins.

"This is an outrage!" said the now ex-first mate.

"Back down!" Jenkins repeated, kicking Hawkins in the butt and pointing the gun at the bewildered former first mate's face when Hawkins turned around with clenched fists. "You're under arrest. In you go," Jenkins said, forcing him into a small, square wooden cell that had a heavy oak door with three one foot vertical iron bars."

"To what do I owe this honor?" Hawkins asked.

"Time for a change of command. Time for the barracuda to be replaced by the sharks," said Jenkins.

Master at arms Foster and Captain Pendleton descended the ladder and walked over to the cell door that Jenkins had just locked.

"Everything secure?" asked the captain.

"All set captain. He thinks it's some kind of joke," said Jenkins.

"Next time, Jenkins, follow my orders exactly. Now men, topside quickly," the captain ordered.

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