Jamaican Nights Part 14

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Jack and I tried to forget about Master Whittemore for a while and about the slave ship and went out to have a good time. We had a couple of days of liberty on this beautiful island of palm and coconut trees, turquoise waters, and English pubs. Even though we were too young, Jack said we could get into one easy because we were genuine sailors and that all real men before the mast drink rum. So that's what we set out to do, get us some good Jamaican rum and have a wild time. During the first ten days out, Jack and I got used to drinking rum. At first it burned and I hated it. But after a while it got kind of a pleasant feel to it and I liked it. The rum was rationed on the ship so sometimes we would get some if the wind was low and the ship was not moving much. It wasn't because there wasn't enough rum on board, which there was no shortage, I believe, but because of the bad effects it might have on morale. I mean a ship can't function properly if run by a bunch of drunken sailors. So we set off to explore Kingston this fine day with its fine streets and stately houses in search of some good ole Jamaican rum and a cool place to drink it.

Outside of a pub right off one of the principal wharves along the harbor we met two black girls who began flirting with us and teasing us. "You too young, man, to go in that there bar. Come with us. We'll show you a good time. We know where there is a big waterfall and we all can go in. "Oh sure man, come with us now." Both girls were very cute and they wanted to show us their island.

"You sailor boys?" Mauricia asked.

"Yeah. We just got off the Helena from Charleston and we have two nights liberty. We can do anything we want and we have money to spend," said Jack.

"Oh you rich sailor boys. Why not buy us something to eat first?"

"Sure," said Jack. "Where to?"

"Over at my mother's inn - she works there as a cook but also is part owner. She'll make you special Jamaican food, sailor boys," said Mauricia.

"You'll drink the best coffee in the world too," said America.

"Okay, but lose the 'sailor boy' talk! We ain't no boys," said Jack.

"Oh, so you be big strong sailor men, huh?" said Mauricia.

"Com'on girlies, let's go!" said Jack.

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