Meeting the Good Guys

Start from the beginning

"I - bu- but - I - I mean! I'm so sorry," Hercules got down on his knees to pick up the scrolls he had dropped.

Nattie's stomach twisted in knots at the sight before her. This sweet kid didn't know better. He was a klutz but a loving man, and she had to be a jerk. Sure, she had a traumatic experience today - getting sucked into a movie, kidnapped by kiss-ups, and coming close to meeting eternal torment. It still didn't give her the right to be rude. She nearly slapped herself for standing there and not helping the boy with his stuff. With that in mind, Nattie groveled to help him pick up the mess she had created.

"No, no. It's fine. It's my fault."

"No, it's mine. I should've been paying attention. You see, I'm just excited because I'm starting my first day of school tomorrow."

"School?" That didn't sound right. She was in the movie. Hercules should be training with Phil, wholly committed. There was no scene about his education. Nattie believed that he was homeschooled or dropped school altogether. Precisely, what stage of this movie did she walk into? Before or after Hercules found out he was adopted? The muscles in Hercules's arms indicated that it might've happened in between. There was only one way to find out.

"Really?" The girl raised a brow in interest, putting on the sweet charm. "What school?"

"Prometheus Academy," the boy replied with excitement.

So he wasn't homeschooled. This might be the time before Hercules started his quest - before he created the domino effect at the market.

"Great," Nattie grumbled, earning a skeptical glare from the boy. She blinked, quickly regaining her composure. "I-I mean great!" The goofy smile returned while Nattie did the same. She believed her huge smile was creepy. Though, he wasn't making an excuse to leave right away. His adoptive parents raised him to be polite. He wasn't leaving until the conversation and introductions were complete. Whatever works.

"You're starting school tomorrow? Me too!" Nattie lied, meanwhile dreading the idea of school, let alone her exams in thirteen days. She fought the urge to slap herself on the head. Why did she have to say that?

"Really? Well, that's great! T-That I'm not the only one new. I-I just turned in my application and got approved immediately by the headmaster. So now..." Hercules lifted his scrolls and slate with one hand. "I-I'm getting ready for the big day! Oh! I - I - um - I'm Hercules, by the way," he reached out his free hand for a handshake.

Nattie grasped his hand, returning the greeting. "I'm Nattie."

"Nattie, huh? Is that a nickname or-or-"

"It's a nickname," the girl explained. "Short for... Natalie, but please, call me Nattie."

"Um, okay. Well, Nattie, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here..." There was that awkward silence and nervous laughter between them, waiting for the other to speak up.

"Oh, well... A-Are you here to get supplies for school?" Hercules asked. "The Agora Mall is good at giving away supplies for free." Nattie didn't know what surprised her more than Ancient Greece having a mall or the latter.

"Free?" Nattie perked in interest. "Like they give away clothes and shoes?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Hercules shook his head, opening his mouth to clarify. "No. No, I mean, school supplies."

"Oh," Nattie would be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed.

"Athena - the goddess of wisdom. She believes everyone should have an education - n-no matter how much it costs."

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