∞ Chapter 6 ∞

Depuis le début

"Okay, whatever," Alison continued searching for another dress. Even though Alison was a nerd and bookworm - just like me - she had a better fashion sense than me. Guys would always turn to look at her whenever she passes by them. The only reason why she isn't popular in my school is because she hangs out with me. Sometimes I wonder why she even wants to be friends  with boring, old nerdy me.

"Can we go now? My feet are aching and I'm starving," I whined. I was carrying five bags, Blake was carrying six and Alison was carrying four using her right hand.

"Just one more dress Hayley, then you could stuff your face with as much food as you want," she replied.

"Fine," I grumbled,crossing my arms over my chest like a little kid.

"Hey, how about that one? I think it'll look nice on you," Blake pointed at a black sequin dress that flows out into a skirt-like bottom at the waist area.

Alison took it out of the racks and held it out infront of her. "Yeah it's really nice, and it matches with the black heels that we got just now,"

I put the bags on the floor and took the dress from her, taking a closer look at it. It covers the chest area and it wasn't too short, so I nodded my head and replied," I like it. I'll go try it on,"

Alison and Blake followed me to the dressing room which was on the other side of the enormous store, saying that they didn't want me escaping.

I then glanced at the price tag and stopped dead in my tracks. My eyes almost bulged out of it's sockets. "Ninety  bucks?!" I shrieked, covering my mouth and biting my lip when I realised how loud I was.

"Ali I only have like fifty-five bucks left. I've spent almost all of my salary that I've earned this month,"

"I'll pay for it," Alison waved a hand infront of her face like it was no big deal. I gave her a flat look.

"But Ali, you've paid for the fifteen clothes that we've got from Aeropostale and the makeup products from Maybelline and Sephora. You've spent so much on me. I'll just put it back on the rack. I think I have enough clothes to last for a year anyway," I said, turning around to place the dress back on the rack.

Alison grabbed my arm and pushed me into one of the dressing room, rolling her eyes. "My parents don't even bother about how much I spend. This is nothing compared to the amount of money Abigail spends when she goes shopping. Besides, what are best friends for?"

"But Ali-"

"No buts. Now get in and try on the dress before I make you," she shoved me in and slammed the door.

Did I forget to mention that Alison's father is a millionaire and that her mother is a popular singer from the 1980s' ?

I stripped and tried the dress on, asking Alison to come in and help me with zipping the back of the dress.

"Whoa. Hayley you seriously look like a supermodel! Guys would be all over you when they see you in this," Alison giggled.

"Now all we need to do is get you contacts. Your glasses are seriously ruining your whole look," she continued.

"What? No! I love my glasses and I am not getting rid of them! They complete me," I crossed my arms over my chest. I've been wearing these for three years now and I am not getting rid of them.

She took my glasses off my face and placed them in the pocket of her jeans.

"Oh come on. Get out already!" Blake shouted from the other side of the door.

"Okay, don't need to get all pushy," I grumbled, opening the door and revealing myself.

Blake's eyes widened as he stared at me with his mouth wide open. I swear I saw him blush for a second, but I couldn't really tell since my vision was a little blurry. I cleared my throat and asked,"What do you think?"

He snapped back into reality and mumbled something under his breath as he replied,"Y-you look amazing as always,"

"You really think so?"

"Y-yeah," He stuttured.

"Thanks," I grinned.

"Okay now go back in and change, I'm starting to feel hungry," Alison said, rubbing her tummy.

"I can't see without my glasses," I gave her a 'duh' look.

She handed me back my glasses pouting and I stuck my tongue out, putting them on.

After changing, I handed the dress over to Alison, but Blake grabbed it from her hands. Alison and I stared at him in confusion, our eyebrows furrowing.

"I'll pay for it," He said, smiling and walking over to the cashier and giving her a hundred dollar bill.

He collected the change and receipt before giving me the bag that contained my dress. "Here, take it that this is a gift from me, since I missed your birthday last year.. so yeah," he smiled.

"Thanks Blake," I grinned.

"No problem," he smiled.

"Are you all done with your mushy crap? I'm getting really hungry here," Alison tapped her foot against the floor, ruining the moment.

Blake and I gave her a flat look as we followed her out of the store.


I sighed in frustration. Blake, Alison and I were in my room. Blake was lying down on the cream-coloured sofa beside my bed with his eyes closed and earphones on. Alison was teaching me the basics of makeup. She was now babbling on and on about contouring and highlighting while we sat infront of my dressing table. I wasn't even listening to her anymore. All I could think about was sleep. I was about to doze off when Alison clapped her hands infront of my face. I shrieked in shock and and fell of my chair.

"Ouch," I groaned, rubbing my head.

"Hayley, is everything okay up there?" My mother shouted from the kitchen, which was on the first level.

"Everything's fine mom!" I replied.

"Are you okay?" Blake and Alison asked at the same time.

"Yeah I'm fine,"

"Let's call it a day. We'll continue tomorrow okay? I'll come over to your place after lunch and we could continue with what I was teaching you and clear out your closet. Blake you come too 'cause we need to plan out the lessons that we're gonna give her together. Like I said before, I need a guy's opinion," Alison said grabbing her handbag and heading out the door.

"Bye guys," she waved and smiled, shutting the door before we could even say a word to her.

"I guess I'm gonna get home too then. See ya tomorrow," Blake grinned, getting up from the sofa.

"Bye," I waved and smiled.

After he shut the door, I turned off the lights. I laid down on my bed and sighed.  I yawned and I took of my glasses and placed them on my light pink bedside table before turning on my lamp. I couldn't even be bothered to change into my pajamas. My eyelids felt heavy and my feet were sore. My head was aching from falling off my chair. I pulled my blanket over my whole body and slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

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