Coming to Terms

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- Adam's POV -

Man, I feel like the biggest jerk ever. I hadn't intended for a break in my relationship with Cece at all, why did I let my stupid temper take control? I love her, and it's all my fault. Maybe I did side with Melanie a little bit, but that was only because I was tired of feeling left out in Cece's life.

I lock the door to Room 21 and walk back to my apartment. All I want is for this all to just stop, everything is happening so fast. A break could be good for me, I guess, give me time to think about what I want.

Maybe this was a sign from the universe, we tried dating before but then she had to leave and we tried again but then I felt like she wasn't really including me in her life and thus began the break.

The truth is I have no idea what I want. I truly love Cece with all my heart but it really felt like she was shutting me out or that I was finding out more information from other people about what's happening in her life, than her.

My mind doesn't even process where I am exactly going until I find myself knocking on Tanashi's door.

"Adam, has anything happened?" He opens the door.

I shake my head. "Can I talk to you about something?"

He nods and I walk into his office and sit across from his desk. "What's the matter?" He takes his seat and faces me.

I sigh, not really sure where to start so I bluntly reply. "Cece and I aren't together anymore, and I'm not sure if I would feel entirely comfortable training with her."

He looks thoughtful as he says. "May I ask what the breakup is about? I understand your feelings of not wanting to be around her and you can ask Josh for some time off until you're up to training with her again. I must say, if you want to be in the elite team then you're going to have a hell of a lot of catching up to do."

I nod. "I'll ask Josh, and I'm aware of that but right now, the elite team is the furtherest thing from my mind. And I felt like she was shutting me out and not including me in her life, I decided on taking a break. Actually I blurted it out, but I was tired of having to ask her if what I heard was true, why she didn't tell me about it and for her constant emotional breakdowns where she would randomly yell at me and not tell me an exact reason."

He nods as he registers the information. "That does sound like a toxic relationship, and she will realise this soon enough and come around. She's probably dealing with a lot of stuff right now, I think a break will do the both of you good."

We both pause, it sounds like footsteps running away in the corridor, I turn back to Tanashi and give him a small smile. "I think so too. Anyway that's all I really wanted to talk about," I stand up and head towards the door. "Thank you."

He mutters. "My pleasure." And I head outside.

Immediately this guy Hayden approaches me. "Yo, what's happened between you and Cece?"

"What do you mean?" I wanted to know how many people she's told about this.

"It's just I noticed her running out of Tanashi's office building looking rather sick, she looked like she wanted to cry but I didn't notice any tears."

That's whose footsteps Tanashi and I heard out in the corridor. She was probably going to talk to Tanashi himself about something and overheard everything I said. Now I feel even worse.

I have to talk to her about this.

- Cece's POV -

Just as I'm about to knock on Tanashi's door, I hear a familiar male voice speak up. "I'll ask Josh, and I'm aware of that but right now, the elite team is the furtherest thing from my mind. And I felt like she was shutting me out and not including me in her life, I decided on taking a break. Actually I blurted it out, but I was tired of having to ask her if what I heard was true, why she didn't tell me about it and for her constant emotional breakdowns where she would randomly yell at me and not tell me an exact reason."

Really? When did I yell at Adam without a reason? He knew Melanie got on my nerves, with her stupid perfect hair and pearly white teeth. Everyone loved Melanie, I guess I was jealous.

Realisation struck me as I realise, Melanie succeeded in breaking us up. That must've been some plan of hers, why else would she hold that information about me? Or try and get close with Adam? I don't think she likes him, I just think she didn't want me having him. Melanie and I have some history, her drunk old boyfriend tried to kiss me years ago and she's hated me ever since. I guess she didn't want me to have happiness.

Yet she succeeded, I hate admitting that. She tried hard and she won, she took my only happiness away from me.

I only catch part of Tanashi's response. "...I think a break will do the both of you good."

Well I sure don't, I don't even care how loud my footsteps echo in this stupid corridor as I sprint outside. Avoiding people's stares, I rush back to my apartment.

As I'm closing my door my breath hitches in my throat and I collapse to my knees. Without hesitation I cry, I let out every single tear I had in me, all those tears I've held back over the years  streamed down my cheeks. I lean my aching back against the door and hug my knees into my chest, trying to stifle the lingering panic attack.

I know there's something not quite right about me, Adam was right; I had changed. I have no idea how exactly, but I didn't feel like myself. Maybe it's all this stress or past events finally catching up to me.

All of my happiness is basically gone, I have no family, no deep and true friends (except Josh but he's friends with everyone), and now I have no relationship.

I have a sudden urge to run, I can't help it it's a habit of mine. When things go bad I run, it's the easiest option.

My whole body shakes as I begin to cry again.

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