Layla and Training and More Layla

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- Adam's POV -

I lie awake for a majority of the night, replaying my confrontation with Cece. I called up Layla and received more answers about what Cece said to her.

Although looking back on it now, Cece hasn't been in the Village Square at all. She's either meeting with Khan, at the gym or in her apartment. Don't ask how I know, just in the right place at the right time.

I don't really know if I fully believe what Layla is accusing Cece of. From knowing Cece, she wouldn't ever say something like that to someone's face unless they really pissed her off.

I wake up at 6 am for training day one with Cece and Josh. My head is aching but I take some Nurofen and start getting ready.

I chuck on a black singlet with black and white sport shorts, make some toast and sit down on the couch. Training doesn't start until 6:40 so I have plenty of time. As I'm sitting down my phone starts vibrating.

I click accept call. "Hey Layla."

"Adam we need to talk. I think it's better if we stay friends, and not date anymore. I'm going through some things and I just think it's better for the both of us."

I'm about to answer when she hangs up suddenly, what kind of breakup call was that! My hands are shaking so much, tears begin to fall down my face.

I really cared about her, I even loved her so damn much; how could she just walk away? I thought we were doing great but clearly not. I focus my attention away from Layla.

I'm seriously nervous about today, my huge fight with Cece still fresh in my mind; it will surely cause some awkwardness. At 6:30 I reluctantly get up and wash my plate.

By 6:35 I'm on my way to the gym. I meet Simon just outside and we walk in together.

"I never get used to these damn early mornings." Simon complains and we both enter, laughing.

Josh and Cece are standing in the centre of the room. Cece looking irritatingly and effortlessly beautiful, in a black and white crop and long leggings. Her dark hair is swept back into a messy bun.

Josh beams at us. "Welcome everyone to day one of Cosh training."

Cece laughs and rolls her eyes. "I thought you were kidding when you said you were going to say that."

Josh playfully shoves her and continues. "Today will just be focused mainly on punching. Choose any punching bag on the wall, I'm assuming you all know how to punch so let's see you do it well."

We each stand in front of a punching bag, taking our stances. I put in all my frustration to my punches.

"Widen your stance and loosen the tension in your shoulders." Cece instructs.

I grit my teeth and correct my mistakes. "Loosen the tension more, don't rely too much on power."

"Kind of hard to loosen the tension when there's a lot of it in this room."

She laughs to herself. "Now isn't the time for witty comebacks, and please loosen the goddamn tension before I have to tell you again."

I stop, catching my breath before resuming the punching.

- Cece's POV -

Training is going pretty well, the fighters are definitely advanced. There are some minor errors that they make constantly but it's understandable.

Adam, however is completely distracted. He's allowing his emotions control his actions, leaving his mind to stray and his body to ache.

My phone vibrates with a text from Samara: Layla just dumped Adam this morning, by call. Real bitchy from what I've heard.

Once I've read through it, I instantly want to give Layla a piece of my mind.

No wonder Adam is distracted, poor guy.

I walk over to Josh and show him the message. "Tell him he can take a break and if he's feeling upset to just take today off." He says and I nod.

I walk over to Adam. "Adam, go and take a break. I heard about Layla, if you feel upset you should take the day off."

He shakes his head. "I don't want to be alone with my thoughts."

I look helplessly at Josh who mouths, go on, go! I pause for a moment. "You can talk to me about it, I've had my fair share of crap breakups."

Adam looks at me a little confused at first, he slowly drops his arms by his side and takes off his gloves. "Okay."

We head out the back exit, into a nice and secluded hideout.

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