Deep Talks

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- Adam's POV -

I sit down on the soft and luminous green grass. "There's not much to say really, she just called me and said it was over." I shrug.

Cece pauses. "What did she say exactly?"

"Just that she's 'going through some things and it'd be better for us not to date.'" I use my fingers as quotation marks.

She looks confused. "Then why..." Her voice trails off.

"Why what?"

"Ah, nothing just never mind."


"Okay fine," she looks down, "I saw her with her arms around that Liam Jenson guy."

Liam Jenson. Even his name is enough to make my blood boil. I knew there was something off going on!

"Clearly she isn't going through that much then." I bite my tongue to stop the tears from coming.

"She's going to regret it, Liam is the biggest fuckboy there is. He gets girls, uses them then breaks their heart." She says nonchalantly.

"Have you ever...?"

"Oh lord no," she laughs, "I have my standards. He has tried asking me out for months though."

I find myself laughing back. "He sounds desperate, I don't think him and Layla will last very long."

She nods. "They won't, he'll get bored of her. You might want to steer clear of Layla's friends, I've heard they've been trying to spread some nasty rumours about the breakup."

I roll my eyes. "They never did like me anyway."

"Oh they hate me, ever since I accidentally spilled my spaghetti on Gemma's head; her and her squad hate my guts." She smiles proudly.

Something tells me it wasn't quite an "accident." "I just wish Layla had said it all to my face or maybe tried to fix things. I thought we were doing great but clearly not." I sigh.

"This breakup isn't your fault, you know. It was Layla's decision to leave, don't blame yourself for her unloyalty."

I shrug. "Easier said than done."

"That's one of the most important lessons you need to learn in life. If someone leaves, it's always their decision, no matter if you could've done something it's still their decision. You can't spend your life regretting and holding on to so many negative memories, you need to learn to either move on and rise above it or learn to forgive yourself for it." She crosses her legs and looks at me directly.

Her piercing brown eyes look so thoughtful and serious, not like their usual merriness.  "How about you? You've been through a hell lot worse than I have."

- Cece's POV -

"...You've been through a hell lot worse than I have." Adam looks cautiously at me.

I shrug it off, trying to remain calm. "I'm used to it by now, besides I saw my brother die so I highly doubt he's alive. And everything else bad happened years and years ago."

"You shouldn't have to put up this wall between you and everyone else around you, you know." He says quietly.

I shake my head. "Let's just focus on you for now."

He nods. "One question, how have I changed exactly?"

I sigh and run my fingers through my tangled hair. "There've been moments where I'll look at you and not recognise who you are. When you started beating that guy up and losing self control, it was scary. And when you were with Layla you changed."

"So it was because of Layla that I changed?" He sounds kind of pissed off.

"Not necessarily, just stating what I've noticed."

"Yeah well I can't always be the same guy forever, and after eight months of course I'm going to change." His tone still sound rather scathingly.

"There's a difference between changing naturally over time and actually changing yourself. Honestly I don't know which category you fall into."

He's about to say something when I stand up. "It's about time we go back to training."

I walk in through the back door, Adam close behind.

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