Confessions and Liam Jenson

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- Cece's POV -

I knew that coming back to the Village eight months later would be tough. I didn't think of how much Adam still hates me. Time doesn't always heal.

I wrap a thick bandage around Khan's shoulder, covering his arrow wound. Once I've bound it, I stand up and face the crowd around us.

Silence lasts for only a few seconds before Lou steps forward. "Why did you leave us?"

I hesitate, I don't particularly know how to tell them that my supposed dead brother has been sighted and seems very much alive. "I had to take care of some personal matters."

Khan whispers to me. "Is it true?"

I shrug, holding back the tears. "I don't know for sure, I'll talk to you about it in private."

"How come it took you so long to come back?" Mira steps forward.

For once I actually look at the crowd directly in the eyes, Adam has his his arms around some girl. "I had to find something out, something extremely personal. Took longer than I thought it would. I wouldn't have come back for longer, but a good friend of mine told me of The Renegades plan and I came back as soon as I could. I would've stayed away longer but when I heard rumours about The Renegades planning to attack the Village I couldn't just turn away."

"A damn good thing that you came back, Cece. I think that is enough questions," Khan puts his hand on my shoulder and continues, "come, I want to speak in my office."

I follow his lead towards the familiar grey one-storey building otherwise known as his Office. He holds the door open for me and I sit across from his desk.

As he sits down he says. "So it's not definite whether your brother is somehow alive or not?"

I sigh and wait a few seconds before answering. "I've had dozens of different leads, different sightings. Only one elderly man has seen a guy fitting my brother's description. I did keep getting distracted however, with The Renegades. They haven't been here in a little over eight months, correct?"

Khan nods and I continue. "Ever wondered why? I made a promise before I left that things wouldn't go so badly; I intended on keeping that so I've spent more time keeping them away from the Village. I was in the middle of a promising lead when my tracker that I had assigned to their boat, started blaring. It was heading for this Village and I had a choice, either continue with this lead and have this Village burned down or walk away and help save the Village; I chose the Village."

Khan pauses, registering what I've just said and smiles proudly. "Thank you. For putting this Village before your own personal battles, without you here we would've all died. Thank you."

I shrug it off. "It's what any normal person would've done. Have I missed out on much?"

He hesitates. "The Renegades have managed to manipulate our own side against us. Hanu, Rebekah, Leo, Mitchell....and Jean were turned."

My whole body tenses, Jean has been my closest friend for years. She's helped me through every single problem I have had and I've helped her.

I shake my head in disbelief. "No, no, no. Th-that can't be."

I turn and flee out of his Office, desperate to hide away.

- Adam's POV -

"So that's the Cece?" Layla asks.

I take a bite out of my fruit salad and nod. "That's the one."

She plays around with her salad and looks around the cafe briefly before turning back to me. "I didn't realise how good she was at fighting. Or how popular she seems to be."

I understand, although Cece did save the day so obviously she'd be more popular. "Popularity was never a want on her list, I just think she's happy that they aren't angry with her."

"How about you? Are you still angry that she left?"

I pause, not really knowing how to respond. "Sort of, I'm angry that she did suddenly leave. But she came back at the right time, so I'm only slightly angry now."

She nods in understanding. "I get it, do you know what exactly her personal issue was that made her leave?"

I shake my head. "No, I think that's mainly why I'm still angry is that she didn't think I could be trusted enough to tell."

She nods again and we continue eating in silence. Our relationship went through a rough patch but we are working on getting back to that happy place. Jealousy involuntarily kicks in as I notice Layla gazing at Liam Jenson who's sitting two tables away. I pretend not to notice and clear my throat, snapping her attention back to me.

She's done that a few times lately, the constant gazing at Liam. Each time I act like I don't notice but really, it's hard not to notice.

The meeting bell echoes throughout the Village, and Layla and I make our way towards the Meeting Room in complete silence.

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