Haters Gonna Hate

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- Cece's POV -

"She's such a traitor"

"She probably sleeps with Viktor"

"She should do us all a favour and go kill herself"

I can hear the whispers and rumours about me. I knew that unveiling my new hair colour at this point of time was a bad idea- everything was going great until Viktor messed everything up.

Now every time I walk through the village I can literally feel the tensions and the hate in the air. I can hear the whispers, at least Khan knows not to mess with me anymore. Besides, mainly Sienna spreading the rumours- and honestly if I thought any woman would sleep with Viktor, it would be her.

I haven't even tried talking to Adam yet- primarily because I'm afraid that he's going to turn his back on me and join in with the hate clubs. So that's why I don't usually walk through the village, and when I do it's only for grocery shopping. Otherwise I sit down at my piano and write songs all day.

I won't lie though- the hate is getting to me.

- Adam's POV -

I wish I could talk about to Cece and explain to her that I don't care what colour her hair is, I know for a fact that she'd never join The Renegades.

Two reasons why I can't talk to her are a) Khan has forbidden everyone to even be near her and b) she has officially shut everyone out. I'm worried about her though- with all the hate going around she has no one to turn to, no one she feels she can trust.

There is this dance however, and I've convinced Cece's manager to force her to sing and to stay there. That is how I will convince Cece that I'm always there for her, I have it all planned. The dance is in 6 days and all the girls are really desperate for a date there.

Trust me, I've been physically attacked by Abby Montclair- it took a whole 58 minutes to explain to her that I'm not going to ask her to the dance. I mean if I did that, then my message to Cece wouldn't be as effective. Anyway, it's Abby Montclair- she sleeps with every guy in the Village AND her mother scares me to death.

It's really annoying though how all the girls squeal and scream about the dance- plus they try to one-up each other with their dates. There's a huge rumour going around that Meredith Johnston actually paid a guy to be her date!

I am actually excited for this dance though because then Cece will realise how much I care about her. I'm meeting up with her manager soon to see if the 'Force Cece to Go to the Dance' plan worked.

I really hope it did.

- Cece's POV -

I walk into the deserted gym, I have my own key because I came here so often. The receptionist Jenna greets me with a huge smile- I like her because she knows I would never join The Renegades if my life depended on it. She always gets to the gym around 3:30 am; when my training starts.

I head straight to the punching bags and start my strenuous exercising. 10 hours later I'm satisfied at my improvement in drop kicks and upper cuts. I wave goodbye to Jenna, and quickly walk to my apartment so then I don't hear all the rumours again.

I'm about to open the door when I see a note on the mat, I open he envelope and read;

Your parents killed themselves because they had you for a daughter- that's the real reason why they said no to The Renegades. They'd rather DIE then have YOU for a daughter, Slutsy.

The Truth.

Tears well up in my eyes as I scrunch it up and walk inside. How could someone write that? What part of their mind said that's a good idea?! I open a fresh jar of Nutella and watch Pretty Little Liars all afternoon.

Around 4:30 I heard a knock on the door. I look through the peephole and see my manager standing there, I breathe a sigh of relief that it wasn't someone who came to scream insults at me again.

I unlock the door and greet her with a hug. She's been so kind and welcoming to me, I don't know what I'd do without her.

"Hey Cece, how you holding up?" She hugs me tightly.

"I'm.....fine" I fake smile, she believed it at least.

"Listen, I came here to say that I want you to sing at the dance on Friday" she must've noticed the horrified look on my face because she adds "I know you don't want to face everyone just yet but it's an incredible pay AND its your chance to clear your name"

"Look, Julie, as much as I would love to clear my name I think it's just not the right time. People won't stop spreading rumours and making up crap and plus when if I did perform they'd just boo me off stage and they wouldn't even clap." I look away.

"Well you don't have to sing, even if you sat in the corner I'd be satisfied. It's not healthy keeping yourself locked in here, it's just one night as well. Please, Cece, for me." Her eyes look so hopeful. Maybe she's right, maybe I should go (and I can just sit in the corner and not draw attention to myself.)

"Ugh fine.......I'll go. BUT I will sit in the corner and not talk to anyone, other than you and the very few staff members who don't think I'm some lunatic"

"That's my girl" she grins and ruffles my hair "I gotta go now but make sure you have an outfit to wear, kay?"

"I will don't worry, I'll see you there Julie" I wave and smile.

After she's gone I mutter "What the hell did I get myself into.'

- Adams POV-

The dance is tomorrow night and I'm so excited! Geez, I sound like a teenage girl but I'm only excited because Cece is coming! She's not performing, I don't blame her though; with all the hate going on the last thing you'd want to do is sing for them all but at least she'll be there for my surprise.

Everything is all planned and ready to go, I hope Cece likes it because it'd be all for nothing if she hates it. Cece's manager, Julie, has been a massive help with everything as well- without her Cece wouldn't even be coming. Julie is also on the decorating committee so that is a huge bonus.

I've already picked out my suit- even though I hate suits all the guys have to wear them. Sienna won't stop boasting about her "model" date.
Coincidentally, every time she's boasting about him, I'm always within ear shot range of her; now isn't that a surprise? -note the bucket load of sarcasm in that sentence.

The worst thing is though, the girls who still haven't been asked are getting more and more desperate each day. It's really annoying when you walk through the Village to buy some fruit and end up sprinting back to your apartment because a herd of screaming, angry and desperate girls are chasing after you. I've learned that from personal experiences.

I can't wait to see Cece's reaction after my surprise.

Ooooh cliff hanger right there!

Just writing this to say that to all those people out there who think they're alone in the world- trust me you're not. There is always someone who cares about you and is there for you.

To all those bullies who pick on others to raise their own self esteem, just stop. You're not benefiting yourself- you're only causing another person pain. Imagine how you'd feel if someone kept insulting you non stop, you wouldn't like it. So why do you do it? If you really want to raise your self esteem or to gain respect from others, do it in the right ways not the selfish, and cruel way. Because what you say to others, can really affect how they treat themselves.

What you say to others can make or break them.

- Bookfreak101

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