Chapter 33

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Hazelstar shifted her paws uneasily, looking at the ominous clouds that remained in the sky.

[NOT ANOTHER FLOOD! Good grief Hazelstar, Princessheart should leave MoonClan and be your deputy!] Acornleap enjoyed the warm, sunny weather. There was not even a wisp of cloud in the sky, and the golden sun blazed brightly upon the SunClan camp. Acornleap breathed in the fresh air and prepared for another day of hunting.

{I have been summoned!} Princessheart walked into the forest.

{No floods!} Hazelstar stared at the completely jet black clouds that were everywhere. Suddenly, thunder crackled, and a bolt of lightning struck in the nearby forest! Hazelstar's eyes widened with horror as an orange glow and smoke emerged from above the treetops. "FIRE! EVACUATE THE CAMP!"

Princessheart looked around for prey. Suddenly, an alligator scrambled out of the bushes towards her, lashing its gigantic, scaly tail threateningly.

[...Hazelstar and Princessheart, I hate both of you] Acornleap scanned the camp frantically, searching for anyone who needed help. He rushed over to Yarrowpaw, whispering soothing words to her and escorting her out of camp. He guided her through the forest towards the MoonClan border, following the trails.

HoneyStripe rushed towards the Camp Entrance as the flames were getting closer to the Camp.

Wonderfulwhisker pushed an unsteady tree with his paws, cackling maniacally as it toppled down, blocking the camp entrance and confining the cats in the camp.

|Are you kidding me WonderfulWhisker?!| HoneyStripe began to try to climb over the tree trunk.

|TROLOLOLOL| Wonderfulwhisker skipped around the forest merrily.

Hazelstar trembled in fear as the flames were quickly spreading towards their camp. Suddenly, she felt a droplet of rain hit her nose, and she breathed a sigh of relief. A torrential downpour ensued and extinguished the fire.

{DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!} Princessheart screamed loudly and backed away slowly from the alligator.

Ghwttttyt laff az teh gater ait Pruncesheart, snapning hur spaine wtih ats jawes.


[Hey Glodhart check private messages on Wattpad; there's something important I wanted to talk to you about.] Fireclaw unsheathed with claws, an evil glimmer dancing in his eyes.

[okai i well cehck]

In private messages

Glodhart: wat ded yuo wnat too tlak two mae abowt?

Fireclaw: Well, do you know the game Town of Salem?

Glodhart: yez i doo

Fireclaw: I was thinking we could do something like that, where we kill one cat every night! I could be the Godfather, and you could be the Mafioso, and you would do my bidding and kill whoever I asked you to!

Glodhart: thet sownds fon im en!

Fireclaw: Just one thing though...they'll know it's you if the spelling is...y'know, done wrong, so just for the parts that explain who died, use proper spelling and grammar so they never suspect you!

Glodhart: Okay I will use perfect spelling like this! butt enyhow hoo ez nootral kelling roll end hoo iz uther mawfia?

Fireclaw: Wonderfulwhisker is going to be Arsonist, but he has agreed not to target us Mafia members, and Quietheart is going to be Blackmailer for us! And we're not giving out town roles because we don't want them to have a chance at winning! So Night 1, we're killing Darkshadow, because nobody likes him! So let's go back to the RP.

Glodhart: Quathurt?! Relly?! lmao ok lats goe bcak too rollplay end atack drakthastow.

Back in the Roleplay

Night 1

[WHO IS DOING THAT?! Fine, I guess it can be night time because it's always day, BUT STILL.] Darkshadow glared around the camp furiously.

Day 2


Darkshadow died last night. He was killed by a member of the Mafia. We could not find a last will. We found a death note next to their body.

"Snap crackle pop good riddance"

His role was Mayor.


Hazelstar glanced around worriedly. "Um, I got a private message saying that I was doused last night. What is going on?!"

Darkshadow, who was not killed, glared at everyone. "This stops now or I'll close this roleplay!"

The game has ended. Mafia Wins for killing the horrible deputy.

Darkshadow shook his head. "I'm just going to pretend like I understood what just happened..."

A/N: It's Crazystar here! First of all, applications to join CG are open, so be sure to check that out on our conversations if you're interested in being a part of our account!

Secondly, I hope some of you enjoyed the Town of Salem references! If you play the game, I'm on all the time so feel free to friend me! My username on Town of Salem is TheSicilianDragon.

Anyhow, hope you guys enjoyed! <3

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