Chapter 8

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Acornleap crouched low in the undergrowth, his haunches just brushing the moss below him. Birds sang in the towering tress above him. He felt utterly small in these woods; a predator, yet the prey. The tom was almost so completely lost in his own thoughts that he nearly lost the mouse he was stalking. The little tawny creature was still on the fallen and dead leaves, twitching only slightly as it sniffed the air. The warrior was, luckily, downwind and had an advantage. Here, he was the predator. With a well-timed leap and precise blows, he managed to miss the mouse. It scampered away and out of sight. With a sniff, Acornleap shook off the loss and proceeded to search for more prey.

(I don't have time to read all that!) Darkshadow glowered below a tree and thought of his secret. "I can't believe that-" (someone interrupt me!)

Heavyleg limped by, groaning in agony and self-loathing. Why did he have to break his leg?

(shut up! No one cares Heavyleg you're just looking for attention) Darkshadow hoped he was alone as he spoke his thoughts out loud. "I have a secret. A dark one. My-" (INTERRUPT ME)

[Guys you need to type longer things so we actually can keep this roleplay alive and have material to work with. Your characters are bad enough as it is]

{Shut up Acornfur!} Firestorm launched through the woods, scratching at Sunclaw.

((Powerplaying! And stop you need to ask to fight!!)) Sunclaw walked around and stared at Firestorm angrily.

(You guys both need to stop or I'm kicking you out) Darkshadow was mad. "Why do I keep my secret, that my-" (INTERRUPT YOU IDIOTS)

[[Can I do this plot with you Darkshadow?]] Birdwing was hiding behind Darkshadow when he was about to say his secret. "What's your secret?"

Darkshadow only looked at her with anger and mystery. "I can't tell you!" He roared, running away.

Birdwing shrugged and went to talk to Twistersoul.

(Birdwing you need to follow me!!)


(I was going to reveal my secret and start a plot so Darkshadow would become an outcast!)

[[You're just looking for attention, Darkshadow! Stop1]] Birdwing talked to Twistersoul.

(You already said that idiot!) Darkshadow continued running until he got to the rogue border.

[[OMG you're so rude! I'll kick you out!]] Birdwing laughed.

{{Guys we can't kick anyone out we hardly have any active players as it is}} Twistersoul's eyes glowed blue when Birdwing came up to him. She made him so happy that he made the sun glow brighter and the wind blow all the clouds away.

[This is grossly unrealistic.] Acornleap trotted back to camp with a rabbit. It wasn't much, but it was food for the Clan. Why was he feeding the Clan, anyway? They were incredibly rude and uncaring.

[[Now you're looking for attention and bringing personal feelings into the RP! Stop!]] Birdwing blushed at Twistersoul. "Hey there."

"Hey. Birdwing, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."


"Will you be my mate? I really want to have kits with you. See, I have powers. Special ones. I've tried to hide them, but it's impossible. They need to be passed on."


"Let's have kits"



([Move to PM! Ew! No one wants to see that!]) Heavystep continued to moan in agony, wallowing in his unhappiness.

Darkshadow was at the rogue border and hoped that no one could see him.

Messyear was at the rogue border and screamed at Darkshadow when he saw him with his mate, a rogue.

(Messyear you're so stupid! Cats can't scream and I didn't reveal about his mate yet! Twistersoul, you have to ask Loststar before you mate! Take it back!) Darkshadow was alone with his mate, Pop.

{{You can't bring new charries in without consent!!!!!!!!!1!1111!!}} Twistersoul looked at his mate. He was excited to become a father in a few short months. What powers would his kits have?

(Twistersoul that's all impossible! You can't make stuff up!) Darkshadow nuzzled Flower.

[[I thought her name was Pop!]]

(I'm leaving this RP)

{{Ok bye}}

([yea bye you won't be missed])


by fire :)

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