Chapter 26

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[Heyo, it's Darkshadow, and I have some exciting news to announce!]

Nobuddy caired end Gstuhrot agnoared Drtokshadoe.

[-_- Actually, I'm the one who will now ignore you. Anyhow, I was able to spam Loststar enough to get approval for adding a new Clan, which is going to be called SunClan, and I've gotten some people to sign up for it! SunClan cats, please introduce yourselves!]

{I'm Hazelstar, and I'm the leader of SunClan}

|I'm HoneyStripe, and I am the Deputy of SunClan|

[I'm Cedarwing, and I'm SunClan's medicine cat, but I'm like never on so you better not get hurt or you're just going to bleed to death :D]

(I'm Meanstripe, and all of you are going to do whatever I tell you to or you will pay the consequences!)

|I'm Wonderfulwhisker, and we're going to have so much fun! LOL|

{I'm Smartfeather, and I'm rather perspicacious}

[not I understand meaning Smartfeather. Me sorry, not I good English. not language first. English hard. Me, am Clawowl.]

(I'm Funnytail, and I tell THE BEST jokes! :D)

[I am Acornleap, and I have decided to transfer my allegiance to SunClan because MoonClan sucks.]

(i doo nut suk!) Glaithasr wuz goeng two kell Aykornleep.

[Well! That was a great introduction! Let's get roleplaying now!] Darkshadow returned to scrutinizing the actions of his Clanmates.

Smartfeather saw one piece of prey, a vole, remaining on the fresh-kill pile, and grabbed it to eat it.

Meanstripe marched over to Smartfeather, arching his spine. "HEY, YOU! RUNT! GIVE ME THAT PREY!"

"What, no! Get your own!" Smartfeather spat.

Meanstripe slapped Smartfeather across the face with his tail and raked his claws through the grass threateningly.

"Whatever, fine," Smartfeather muttered, pushing the prey over to Meanstripe.

Meanstripe lifted his chin triumphantly. "That's right, you little undersized kit! Anything that I want from you, I will get, or you'll pay the price!"

Smartfeather walked over to the camp entrance magnanimously.

[I'm a good roleplayer and I had to Google what that last word meant...] Acornleap padded over to Smartfeather. "Would you like to go hunting? I could use a partner."

Smartfeather nodded vivaciously. "Sure!"

[...I'm going to keep a dictionary nearby] Acornleap padded out into the lush forest, surveying the trees around him. They were lighter and wider than those of the MoonClan forest, but they made the same rustling sound as the wind whistled gently through their leaves. The SunClan warrior felt relaxed and at home in these surroundings, and he was prepared to serve his new Clan to the best of his ability.

(OOH YOU REMINDED ME OF A GREAT JOKE ACORNLEAP! WHAT IS THE SMARTEST DINOSAUR?) Funnytail rested in the camp, thinking of hilarious riddles.

{The Troodon!} Smartfeather searched fastidiously for prey.

[It's a joke, Smartfeather, not Jeopardy, I doubt he's looking for an actual answer xD What is it Funnytail?]

(The thesaurus! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

[>.< That is so corny] Acornleap noticed some quivering in the some nearby bushes, and quickly sniffed at the air. He detected the scent of a mouse, and dropped into a hunting crouch, prepared to ambush his prey. He checked to make sure that the wind would not alert the prey to his presence, and then he carefully inched closer. He placed his paws cautiously to avoid accidentally stepping on a twig.  Any noises could startle the mouse and cause it to dart off. Acornleap was within a tail-length of the mouse as he tensed his muscles, unsheathed his claws, and prepared to pounce on the creature.

Wonderfulwhisker scampered out of the bushes near Acornleap, yowling loudly and trampling across the crisp leaves on the ground. The mouse darted off and disappeared.

"HEY!" Acornleap protested indignantly.

|TROLOLOLOLOLOL| Wonderfulwhisker merrily danced through the forest.

[THAT'S NOT FUNNY!] Acornleap huffed angrily and stomped off to search for other prey.

A/N: It's Crazystar writing this! I hope that all of you enjoyed! What do you guys think of the new Clan?

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