Chapter 21

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"Who Was The Brave Cat?" Splashfeather Interrupted Old Tom.

"I'm getting there... Patience, young one. As I was saying, there was once a fox and a brave cat. The fox was trying to attack a helpless kit, but the brave cat wouldn't let it." Old Tom said.

"Where Were The Kit's Parents?" Splashfeather Asked Curiously.

"I'll get there, I'll get there," Old Tom growled. "The fox was a bold fellow, but so was the brave cat. He did everything he could to distract the fox, swiping at his eyes and darting around his flanks and even jumping onto his head."

"Did The Brave Cat Get Hurt?" Splashfeather Asked Anxiously.

"Patience, young one, patience!" Old Tom admonished. "The two fought for a long while, and eventually the brave cat sent the fox running. He took the kit to its parents, who had been searching the forest for it for hours because it had snuck out of their den. And the brave cat... Well, he survived, but he ended up with a nasty scar going on his stomach."

"Did The Scar Never Heal?" Splashfeather Asked.

"Never," Old Tom replied ominously, lifting up his front paw to reveal a jagged scar going down his stomach.

"Wow!" Splashfeather Said. "So You Were The Brave Cat! You Rescued The Kit!"

"Yessir, I did," Old Tom replied with a smug air of pride.

"Thanks For The Story!" Splashfeather Said As He Left. "I'm Going To Go Find A Fox Of My Own To Kill!"

Old Tom chuckled. "You do that," he said, smiling.

Splashfeather Padded Out Of Camp And Searched The Territory For A Fox.

Suddenly, Princessheart shot past the newcomer with a fox snapping at her paws.

"I'll Save You!" Splashfeather Yowled, And Leapt Onto The Fox's Back, Killing It With A Single Blow.

"Wow, that was incredible!" Princessheart said.

"Oh No!" Splashfeather Gasped. "I'm Bleeding!"

[You weren't even injured, and you suck at typing]
Darkshadow prowled past the two cats mysteriously.

(Shut up, I don't care)
Splashfeather Started Bleeding Even More. "Go Get Moonmoon!" He Yowled At Princessheart.

{I think she's on vacation until next week...}

(Go Get An Apprentice, Then!)

{They're all on vacation, too}

(...So Is My Character Just Supposed To Lay Here Dying Until They Get Back?)

{Yeah, pretty much.}
Princessheart went back to camp.

"No, Don't Leave Me!" Splashfeather Yowled At Princessheart.

Princessheart heard nothing and continued to camp.

(This Roleplay Is Stupid...)
Splashfeather Lay Dying On The Ground.

<Hey, guys, I'm back!>
Moonmoon heard a rumor that a cat was injured in the forest, so she grabbed some catmint and headed out.

/I'm back as well!/
Cloudpaw rolled his eyes, grabbing the correct supplies and following Moonmoon.

"Moonmoon?" Splashfeather Called As He Saw A Cat Approaching.

"Yes, I've brought catmint for you!" Moonmoon said, giving him the catmint.

"Oh, move over," Cloudpaw muttered, shoving Moonmoon to the side.

(I'm Done With This, You're All Idiots)
Splashfeather Then Died Because This Roleplay Sucked Too Much.

/Hey, what did I do?/
Cloudpaw walked away, leaving Splashfeather to die.

Moonmoon also left, regretting that she had wasted some of her precious catmint.

Written by le Amazing Annco. You have no idea how much it hurt to type out Splashfeather's parts XD

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