Chapter Nineteen * No Bravery

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Thursday March, 2029

Ella jolted, the train whistle starting her awake with it's low bellow turned shrill whistle. She hissed and rubbed at her head after it connected with the glass she'd been leaning on. The hoodie, her buffer, had fallen when she initially woke and allowed for her to smack herself in the head when she reacted to the whistle.

"You alright there, Bishop?" Daniel's sarcastic droning brought her attention to look across the seating area where he sat, slouched, with his arms crossed against his chest.

She dropped her fingers from the offended area and clasped her hands in her lap. "Yeah. Thanks." She replied curtly, looking to his face where the bruise had changed color from blue and purple to green and yellow.

Daniel nodded somberly but the tight, closed lip smile revealed his amusement.

Rolling her eyes at him, she turned to the seat beside her but found it empty. Quickly, Ella looked at the bags and saw one of them open, the clothing inside disheveled. She glanced up to Daniel then down at his fresh clothing. "You changed." she observed, looking at his black long sleeved shirt that covered the bandages which slightly bulged underneath.

"Yeah, I don't exactly like to smell like shit." He closed his eyes and readjusted to get comfortable in his corner, stretching his legs out. "I threw it out the window." He peeked open one eye, "You don't think they'll consider it littering anymore... do you?" He asked rhetorically before re-closing his eye.

She glanced at his leg position, annoyed that he was now taking up most of the leg space in the cabin. "Where's Mike?"

"He went to change." He replied dryly.

Ella glanced down at herself. Checking to make sure Daniel wasn't looking, she pinched her shirt at the front and smelled it subtly.

"You smell like roses," Daniel said gruffly, not bothering to open his eyes.

She dropped her shirt and just as she opened her mouth to retort the train whistled again. She fought the urge to jump, her mouth snapping shut audibly.

Daniel sat up and ran his hand down his clean shaven face in an attempt to wipe away the remnants of sleep away. "We here?" He asked, his voice gruff with tiredness.

The train chugged into the station slowly, greeted by both wide eyed people still in awe of the working train and the veterans who were less impressed. Pine Hill Station was more lively than Pennsylvania. The crowds larger and faster moving, reflecting the usual high population that New York had.

Ella watched out her window as the train pulled into the station slowly, the mechanics of the train released large amounts of smoke in audible puffs. The people moved in disorganized lanes, brushing shoulders and their large luggage collided with others more often than not.

When the train chugged for the last time Ella turned away from the window to see Michael, dressed in jeans and a long sleeved, red v-neck, standing in the aisle way expectantly. "Ready?"

She glanced to Daniel who was already packed and pulling on his jacket. Realizing they were waiting on her she pulled her hoodie and jacket on, pulling the hood over her head. "Yeah," she replied hurriedly and stood.

"Welcome to Pine Hill, New York!" George said in passing, patting Michael on the back as he walked by.


"Alright, I need my own horse if we're going to keep doing this." Daniel stated moments before grunting when a woman with a roller suitcase ran over his foot.

Michael made a small noise in the back of his throat in a small effort of laughter before replying. "You had your own horse." He walked to Daniel's left, leading both horses.

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