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Ugh, Team Rocket. Always trying to stop you and your friends.

Although, that blue-haired guy was certainly familiar...and pretty attractive, honestly. James, it was.

Right now, you were chasing after Team Rocket with Ash, Misty, and Brock. While you enjoyed their company, Ash and Misty were often fighting annoyingly. In addition, Brock would hit on you on occasion; man, he was desperate. Who'd want you?

You sure did wish you could be with someone else, though. That...boy. The one who left you without a word or warning. You couldn't even remember his name, just that you still missed him. The only thing to tell you he had left was a note. It said something. Something along the lines of...You had forgotten. It had been so long. The note claimed he'd be back one day, but it never did happen.

For some reason, you didn't get mad. Just lonely. You actually had hope to see him for a while. He never came back, and eventually you joined Ash on his quest.

In your thought, you tripped. You winced as you fell onto the side of the balloon, and then fell out. You managed to grab the side.

"(Y/N!)" called your friends, trying to get you up. You held on, just barely. As you were being pulled back on, your hand slipped, and you went crashing down.

Yep. Of course, my life ends like this. were your thoughts. Even in the face of death, you were calm, sarcastic. Maybe it was a result of your loneliness. You fell unconscious before you hit the ground.


You woke up to something tickling your nose. Somehow, you didn't seem to be injured, save some minor bruises. You opened your eyes to see a Pidgeot feather. It kind of surprised you that a Pokémon went out of its way to save you. Your bag was in the balloon, meaning no Pokémon to summon, except Fantam, your Gengar.. You struggled to your feet.

The view was beautiful, and it took a while before you turned around to see something else.

James. Passed out right beside where you were.

Now, one would, likely, in this situation, wonder why their rival was passed out next to them, but you were just furiously blushing. You finally came to your senses. By the looks of it, he passed out from exhaustion. Why? Was he actually trying to find you? You didn't get it. You wondered whether to help him back to his team or to just leave him there.

Before you could make a decision, he woke up. You accidently dropped your single pokéball in surprise, summoning Fantam.

"Looks like I found you." he smiled.

..which led to more questions in your mind. How did he find you before your team? Why was he searching for you? He was your rival!

"I told you I'd be back one day, (Y/N)." he continued.

"W-wait, you don't mean..." you breathed.

"I'm the one you've been waiting for, aren't I?" he grinned.

"James!" you gasped, hugging him. "I missed you! I-I even gave up on you!" you said, a slight sob behind your voice. Fantam was beginning to recognize him, and was overjoyed.

"Ah, I remember when she was a little Gastly. Didn't I get you her?" queried James.

"Yep!" you smiled.

A rose was placed in your hair. "You look absolutely beautiful." James complimented.

"You're handsome as ever, James." you responded.

Both of you were caught in the moment. The sun had begun to set.

"While I never really got a lot of money, I still have a gift. Close your eyes, it's a surprise." James said with a slight chuckle.

You were expecting something to be put in your hand or whatever, but instead, your lips were suddenly occupied. If you were able to gasp, you would have. You soon began to wrap your arms around him and run your fingers through his blue hair.

When both of you pulled back, you had the biggest grin.

The sun continued to lower as you each wrapped an arm around eachother, watching the sky.

"Pretty, huh?" you smiled.

"Just like you." James smiled back.

The two of you were like that for a while.

"Uh... (Y-Y/N)?" said someone.

"James?" another said.

You snapped to the voices, Ash and Jessie. Embarrassed, you were going to explain when you realized Ash and Jessie had noticed one another. They were verbally fighting...again. You and James just chuckled while Brock, Misty, Meowth, and Pikachu confusedly stared at the two of you.

"James." you said through the noise.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" he replied.

"Let's leave the fight to them." you smiled.

James smiled as well, and he took your hand while the two of you walked off.

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