"Kate said my medical history was a secret under doctor patient confidentiality clause"

"Emma I am a cardiologist and I specialize in dealing a spoiled brat's heart. I performed a surgery on one just 24 hours ago. Kate is your physician it's not her domain and James being your legal guardian, who assigned me as your doctor. So legally speaking ,it's okay sweety, you are trapped with me."

I looked back at Ian in horror. He just ignored me, as usual.

"What do you suggest we do now ? We can postpone the training if needed. You are free to start with her treatment." Ian said to Neil.

"Oh no, training is good for her, don't stop it on my account. In fact bring her straight back to the campus, after her debut. Here the environment is more serious and less laid back in comparison to home."

"He's right" Beatrice said,"plus the person who threatened Emma's life is still not in our clutches, it is much safer here for now " Beatrice reasoned.

"I won't come back here after my birthday. I hate this place." I mumbled concentrating on my suddenly very interesting toes .

"Ian would you bring her in line and show her,her real place or should I do that for you ? In fact ,swap places with Damon he's a much efficient trainer. That would really do some good to both you ,love birds! If I am working here, I expect the decorum of a training camp maintained"

I was beyond furious. Who is he to judge us? What does he know about this place huh ??

"Who ..."
"Emma shut it. You heard him and he's absolutely right. Like I said earlier I have been slacking with you way too much."

I officially don't like this Neil guy anymore, I want him to go back where he came from.
I huffed in annoyance.

"Finally looks like we can get some productive work done here, I felt like I was watching a romantic drama everyday." Beatrice commented sarcastically.

"You are lucky , you did not see me in action when I kicked Julienne's ass. "

"Emma Smith ! Behave yourself and no cussing young lady." Neil commented.

"That remind me, Can you think why did Arrhythmia and Asthma happened to you ?" Neil asked.

"You went to the damn medical school, you tell me." I said

"Why are you snapping at him Emma?What's wrong with you " Ian frowned at me.

"Your friend here, is making fun of me and you are scolding me ? When I don't stand up for myself you have problems, when I do you have problems.... No matter what I do , it is wrong, leave me where you picked me up from and I will...."

"Emma Calm down. Beatrice, please take her to her room, run her a hot bath and ask Asiku to give her a herbal tea and her night massage. Also check for any injuries." Neil said to Beatrice.

I am shocked he knows my daily routine like that.

I left the room infuriated.


I don't know what's wrong with Emma she's so calm and always so sweet to everyone I introduce her with... May be we spoiled her way too much.

"I am sorry man, Emma is not what you just saw. I don't know what is wrong with her.."

"Ian, did you really not see what I just saw ? She's just meant to be for you, equally possessive and territorial. I love her, Marry her Ian as soon as you can. She's a keeper."

Wait what ?

"Emma is insecure, She thinks your best friend will replace her position in your life, she wants me to like her because as Kate told me before.....Emma keeps trying to please everyone around so they like her and you like her. She's so jealous of me.... She does not know to like me or not, too many emotions are coursing through her at one time.
and look at that fluff ball, she's soo cute, I fell like doing that awwwwwww thing every time she yawns or sneezes or stretches her legs..... Oh god am I fan girling my new baby sister already ?"

"Yes you are N."
We both laughed.

"You were talking about the causes of Asthama and arrhythmia , I thought it was inherent ......."

"She was not suffering this much back at home right ? Even if she had it before. Cold may have triggered it. I also found some suspicious elements in her blood stream. It could be from drug overdose, was she on any kind of medicine before ? I didn't find any muscular deformity in her heart and there is a huge chance, she got her tachycardia from the meds, Another serious issue is that Emma has Asthma as well and beta blockers are trigger to Asthma for Emma.

God forbids if she ever had one those Arrhythmia attacks we don't have beta blockers for her rescue."

A potential heart attack ?

"You look like you will pass out Ian, Don't worry I have it figured out, if we keep her heart healthy and teach her breath control, we have best chances of saving the situation. But that requires Discipline and you being whipped with her won't help buddy."

I sighed.

"You tell me what to do and I will do anything for my baby Neil."
"Comb her medical history, there is something we don't know, it could be serious and Ian I know, you know this.
If you really need to hear this out loud then, dominate her."

"Are you out of your mind ? She's just a baby." I retort in anger. It hurts me when I scold her.

"She's not a baby, she will be an adult in four days. You look at her like that, in reality, she can vote for president, give birth to a child, turn you on......."

Oh god don't let him start on that.
"Woah ! Woah, man ! I will think about it ok ?"

"No Ian you won't, you don't think I don't know you are going to marry her right ?"
What ? Dad ! He told him. Already.

"Dad told you."
"I am disappointed, you did not tell me first."

"Train her as your submissive Ian."
I sighed.

"God knows I want to. She is natural. But I am scared to strip her of her innocence" I confess to my bestie. I am done beating around the bush.

"You mean her virginity "
Oh he can be painfully blunt at times, but he's honest.

"You don't have to, today or tomorrow, you are the most patient person I know Adams. You both should take it ahead one step at a time. Start by correction of her behavior. This will help you save her life in the least."

"I am patient Neil but unfortunately I am not a celibate. She turns me on and it's painful."
He laughed. That will teach you more than her.

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