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Thankyou so much guys for viewing and voting I can believe it's got over 500 views! Anyway, I'll stop celebrating so you can read this chapter. So I hope you enjoy it :3

"Um Serena where are we going, you know it's the end of school." I say. "I know, that's why I'm pulling you outside." "Oh, ok."
We were just about to get outside when a hand appears out of nowhere, grabs Serena and pulls her into a room.
"Serena!" I shout, rushing into the room.
The man that was holding her had the same colour hair as Serena and was extremely tall, he had some sort of negative aura around him that made me feel really weak and useless.
Serena was trying to shout to me through her tears, but the man's large, boney hand was covering her mouth.
"What do you want kid!" He shouts to me. "I want you to let go of Serena!" "Well that's not happening! Serena has done something bad and is now paying the consequences!" "Well, tell me what she's done and I'll leave you alone!"
I lied. I wasn't leaving unless Serena was coming with me.
"She's opened up to someone." "How is opening up to someone bad!" "Because it is! I've told you now so leave!" "Never!"
I know I was getting myself into trouble, but I don't care, Serena is my first friend here and I know she's gone through so much.
"I'm not leaving this place until you let go of Serena!" "Ok I'll let go of her!"
Then he did something that shocked me. He throws Serena across the room, her head and back smash against the wall, pulling her out of consciousness.
I run as fast as I can over to her and pull her into my arms.
"What have you done! You MONSTER!" "Just you wait young man. You are getting yourself in a right mess!"
He walks out the room.
I pick Serena up and rush straight to the medical room.
When I get there the nurse asks what happened and I tell, her everything.
The nurse said I should go home, but I refused. I'm not going to leave this school until Serena is awake and moving.
I take my iPhone 5 out my pocket and text my mom.
Me: hi mom, I just want to tell you that I will be late home from school, my friend has gone to medical.
Mom: ok Hun, is your friend alright?
Me: I'm not sure, but I'm sure she'll be fine
Mom: oh, it's a girl is it ;)
Me: yes mom, now, goodbye, I'll text you when I get home
Mom: ok dear, love you
Me: love you too
I go off messages and start playing some games to waste time.
After what seems like forever, the nurse walks out of the medical room.
"Ash, Serena is recovering well, you can go see her if you want." "Ok, Thankyou miss." I reply
I walk into the room and see Serena still unconscious.
I walk up to the bed, sit down on the seat next to it and start looking at the bruises on her arms.
I touch one of her arms, looking at the giant bruise she had from the wall.
"Hi Ash."
I jump up from the voice. It was Serena. I bet she was watching me the whole time.
"Oh, sorry, did I scare you." "N-no, it's fine Serena. Anyway, how are you feeling?" "Alright, I guess." "Serena can I ask you something?"
I sit back down again.
"Yer, of course Ash." "Do you know who that guy was that grabbed you?" "Yer I do."
She paused.
"T-that was, my father."

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