Forming A Friendship

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Hope you enjoy chapter three :3

"Hi Serena." I say.
She looks up at me.
"Oh, hello, why are you here?" "I came to find a place to sit, it is alright if I sit here?" "Sure, it's not like it's my place so I can't say no."
I sit down next to her and start eating.
"So why don't you do classes Serena?" I ask. "Can't be bothered." "But you won't get a job when you're older." "Don't need one."
I didn't carry on the conversation because she looked uncomfortable.
"Why do you even bother talking to me, no one else does." She says, still not giving me eye contact. "Well, I'm different from others, I like to be friends with people who are different, even if my reputation goes down, because I hate seeing people upset and you look like a nice person."
She finally makes eye contact with me, but it isn't the soulless face like before, it's a face of shock, I'm probably the only person in this school who actually takes time out of their life to talk to her.
"Y-you actually don't mind talking to me." "I actually enjoy talking to you, you're so much calmer than the other students so there's no way I can get stressed out when I'm around you." "T-thanks Ash, no one has ever cared about me this much, not even my parents." She mumbled the last bit so I decided it would be best not to talk about family members.
"If you don't do any work then why are you here?" "So I can get away from my home."
Now I was really curious.
It seems like Serena doesn't have a close relationship with her parents.
"I'm guessing you don't want to talk about your parents." I say.
She nods.
We sit there for a few minutes in silence until the bell rings.
I get up.
"I've gotta go, bye Serena." "Oh ok goodbye Ash, and thankyou for everything." "No problem. Bye." I wave, then walk back into the building and into my next class, Spanish.
I had Spanish in my old school and I hated it.
Now that I think about it, I've always hated Spanish.
I step into the classroom and the first person I spot is Dawn.
"Hey Ash!" She shouts from the other side of the classroom.
I walk up to her.
"Hi Dawn." I reply. "Where were you at lunch, I couldn't find you anywhere." "Oh, sorry I was outside eating, with Serena."
I shouldn't of said the last two words, but Dawn's reaction was priceless.
She looked me like she'd seen a ghost.
"You sat. With Serena." She half shouted. "Yes, I did, and she's a really nice girl if you get to know her." "You just hung out with the biggest outcast in the school and you don't even seem bothered!" "Let's just drop it ok."
I'm just about to sit down next to her when the door opens.
It was Serena.
"Oh, hello Mrs Yvonne, are you going to join us today." The teacher says to her.
That's strange, this teacher talked to us like normal people, whereas, he talks to Serena like she's some sort of VIP.
I quickly sneak to the back of the room and Serena sits next to me.
"Who were you talking to Ash?" She questions. "Oh, that's just my friend Dawn, she a bit hyper so that's why I moved." "Is she just a friend." She said the word just a little louder than all the other letters. "Yer, she's just a friend, nothing more." "Ok."
I hear a small sigh from Serena.
I wonder why, she definitely doesn't like me.
The teacher interrupts my thoughts by telling us what we have to do in this class.
Throughout the class Serena helped me which was really kind of her.
I think she's finally opening up, her face doesn't seem so dull anymore.
The one thing that bothered me though was that Dawn kept looking over at us, and I caught her frowning at one point.
I think she's jealous.
I got the impression she liked me so it wasn't a surprise.
It was kinda uncomfortable though, being stared at throughout the whole of the lesson.

Thankyou for viewing everyone!
I really didn't think this book would get 100 views in a couple of days so thanks so much :3

Heartless (Amourshipping) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon