The Death Of Saki Konishi

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"Aw man, that hurt...!" Satonaka groaned as he rolled on to his back.

"I hate that bear...!" Hanamura groaned, using his elbows to sit up. Suddenly, a intercom bell sounded into the store, causing me to blink in surprise.

"Attention, Shoppers. Our daily limited-time sale will now begin at the side dish area on the first floor" the intercom began. "Why not try the delicious, fresh produce Junes picked for you this morning as your side dish for dinner tonight? All ages are invited to take advantages of this incredible bargain!" The three of us blinked in surprise at the marbled green and white diamond floor of Junes, causing Satonaka to exclaim in joy.

"Yes! Thank god! I love that bear!" Hanamura exclaimed in joy as he and Satonaka high-fived each other. I let out a soft sigh of relief as I slowly got to my feet. As the others laughed and cheered with joy, quickly jumping to their feet; I spot a familiar image next to the TV we fell out of. I walked over to the pillar where the poster hung from and saw that it was a poster of Misuzu Hiiragi, the singer involved in the scandal.

"I saw this poster back there..." I muttered, recalling the posters from that room back inside the television.

"Yeah, that's Misuzu Hiiragi" I heard Satonaka began, walking towards me. "Isn't she the woman who's all over the news right now? They're saying her hubby was having an affair with that reporter who just died, Ms. Yamano."

"So what? I don't get it? What does she have anything to do with that freaky room?" I heard Hanamura ask as he walked over next to me, nervously staring at the poster.

"Maybe... There's a connection between Ms. Yamano and that reporters death?" I thought out loud, causing Satonaka and Hanamura to stare at me with wide eyes. Suddenly, Hanamura screamed in urgency, causing me and Satonaka to jump.

"Don't go there! I-I mean, I don't think my heart can take it!" Hanamura begged, taking a few steps away from the poster. He suddenly grabbed his crotch as his face paled, slouching over a little. I blinked in realization, slightly panicking. Hanamura still needed to go to the restroom!

"Aw man, this is bad! I still need to take a leak!" Hanamura murmured, jumping about like a fool. Satonaka sighed at Hanamura with a bored look on his face as I made a shooing motion with my hands.

"Go, before you get an infection!" I urged, which Hanamura quickly obeyed; running off somewhere. Satonaka suddenly shivered as he hugged himself.

"This whole thing is starting to give me the chills...!" Satonaka shivered. He rubbed his arms together as he nodded me goodbye.

"I'm feeling a little woozy, so I'm going home. You do the same, 'kay?" Satonaka said as he turned around and began to leave.

"Okay" I replied with a nod. I looked back over to the poster and stared at it. 

Back inside that room, there were a bunch of these posters with Hiiragi's face scratched out. If the room really did have something to with Yamano's death, why would there be posters of Hiiragi in it? Perhaps Yamano was jealous of Hiiragi for being married to the man they both loved? But then, why was there a noose and a chair also inside that room? I blinked in surprise as an idea popped into my mind. Being involved in a scandal isn't very good for a person's reputation, especially if they have connections. Yamano was a reporter, so perhaps thanks to the scandal her reputation went down. Could it be that she considered...?

I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine. I shouldn't think about this anymore. Just like Hanamura said, it too much for one's heart to take in.

After a moment, I shook my head and began to walk to the Dojima's residence.

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