The Basketball Team

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3rd POV

Hitomi slowly opened her eyes, a familiar area coming to her vision. Hitomi sat across from a man with an unusual long nose and a woman with platinum-blonde hair.

"Welcome to the Velvet Room" the man with the long nose, known as Igor, greeted. The platinum-blonde haired woman next to him, known as Margaret, looked up; a small smile creeping to her lips.

"I foresee the effects of two arcana's shining very brightly in your future" Margaret began as two cards descended, glowing a bright blue. The cards were shining more brightly than normal that Hitomi couldn't make out the designs of them. "I see the moon and strength. Soon, you will forge an entirely new set of bonds. And these new powers will be born." The cards suddenly disappeared instead of falling to the tome on Margaret's lap.

"These bonds play an important part" Margret continued as she looked over to Hitomi. "They will illuminate the path that lies before you, and will shine the light that will unfold the truth." Igor opened his eyes slightly, knowing that Hitomi was about to awaken in the real world.

"Now then" Igor began, catching Hitomi's attention, "Until our paths cross again. Please, take care..." Hitomi flinched in surprise, a little stunned that he was able to take note of Hitomi's injury without her even mentioning it. Soon, her vision began to blur as darkness engulfed the room.

Tuesday, April 19th

I let out a soft yawn while covering my mouth, feeling lighter as the yawn escaped. I suddenly flinched in pain as a sharp stung the back of my neck. I let out a silent sigh as I gently rubbed the back of my neck, feeling the rough material of the bandage. Everything that happened yesterday was intense and certainly something I never would have expected. As the group's leader, I need to create a more balanced plan. I thought back to the events yesterday after we had gotten out of the television.

If it was Amagi's exhaustion or something else that had prevented Amagi from remembering her kidnapping, it was something I won't know until she returns. Amagi was a lot more tired than we had thought, and almost passed out from exhaustion. So we decided to call it a day, with Nise taking Amagi home.

Hanamura was worried about my injuries from the Prince like shadow and didn't let me go home until he treated them. As Hanamura treated my neck wound, we started talking about the case. We weren't able to gather any new clues like Berry had said, but we did put so and so together. Amagi was most certainly, 'attacked' as -Hanamura puts it- the same way as the last two victims. And the 'Amagi' that we had seen on the midnight channel wasn't the real 'Amagi', but rather her shadow expressing her inner feelings. But with the little information we had gathered, it feels as if Hanamura and I are going around and around in circles.

As I walked towards the school, I noticed a girl with shirt light-brown hair tied into a short ponytail jog past me, wearing the YasoHigh school Jersey. I blinked after her in surprise, feeling as if I had seen her somewhere before. The light-brown haired girl jogged a little further up to a girl with medium dark-blue hair tied into two pigtails.

"Morning!" the girl in light-brown hair greeted the other. "You know how girls can join the sports club starting today, right? I thought that maybe if I ran around a little, that would be some good promotion." The dark-blue girl took one look at her friend before giggling.

"Girl, if you run around in that, how're people gonna know which club you're in?" the dark-blue haired girl giggled.

"I didn't think about that..." the other girl gasped. Her face suddenly turned red as she ruffled up her hair in frustration. "Augh! And I forced myself to run by all those people too! Do you know how creepy it is to have boys stare at you as you run?!"

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