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Friday, May 6th

With Golden Week over, it was back to school for me. It was a little difficult to wake up this morning, getting used to waking up late thanks to the brake.

On my way to school, I heard the high squeaking sounds behind me, causing me to look over my shoulder. I saw that it was Hanamura, pushing his bike with an annoyed expression on his face. I stopped walking and turned around, my eyes glancing around the bike. It looked as if it was recently fixed, the paint a little brighter than last time I saw it.

"Good morning, Hanamura" I greeted as Hanamura slowly got closer to me. Hearing his name, Hanamura looked up in response; his annoyed expression disappearing as a smile formed on his face.

"Yo!" Hanamura greeted as he stopped pushing his bike in front of me. He scowled as it made a final squeak, before becoming silent.

"Dammit, I just fixed this thing... It's making squeaking sounds again" Hanamura grumbled, clearly upset about his bike. He quickly shook his head and looked at me, a guilty look on his face.

"Hey, by the way... I'm sorry about the other day..." Hanamura began as he rubbed the back of his head, his eyes drifting away to the side. "You know, about what I said to Nanako-chan."

"Don't worry about it. None of you guys, myself included, knew about Nanako's mother's death. Accidents like that happen, so don't beat yourself over it" I reassured.

"Heh, you really know how to make a guy feel better" Hanmura chuckled, a look of relief falling on his face. "Anyway, after hanging out with Nanako-chan... I feel even stronger that we have to solve this case." I nodded in agreement, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm counting on you" I said with a nod. Hanamura grind as a soft blush covered his cheeks.

"Hehe... Same to you!" Hanamura replied. I slid my hand off Hanamura's shoulder, and the two of us began to walk towards the school.

"Oh, hey" Hanamura began, ignoring the squeaking sounds his bike was making, "Y'know, Nise and Yukiko seem different lately... They seem a lot closer."

"I would be shocked if they weren't..." I replied bluntly. "I mean, after what happened back in that other world..."

"True..." Hanamura agreed softly. The two of us continued to walk in silence, the sound of constant squeaking accompanying us. After a bit, Hanamura growled and hanged his head low, catching my attention.

"Uugh... Man, school's such a chore. And now my bike's messed up too..." Hanamura whined.

"Well, the roads are much wider here than in the city" I commented as I looked forward, taking note of how wide the road was. With very little people and transportation occupying the streets, it certainly appears a lot wider than the roads back over in Tokyo.

"Huh, yeah that's true..." Hanamura hummed, thinking about something. "Well, I do keep speeding... So I guess that did it." Hanamura exhaled a long and heavy sigh, scratching the left side of his head.

"Oh well. Until I get my motorcycle license, I'll just have to walk" Hanamura muttered. I looked at him in surprise at the information.

"Motorcycle? Are you planning on getting one?" I asked, a little stunned. Hanamura looked at me and smiled brightly.

"Yeah! Back in the city, I actually wanted to buy one for a while!" Hanamura confessed. "But when my family moved here, I decided to stick with this old thing." Hanamura lightly kicked the front tire of his bike, showing me how much he disliked it and its squeaking.

Persona 4: Eyes of Truth [Please Read New Ver.]Where stories live. Discover now