Shadow Nise Satokana and a new bond

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I groaned as two bodies landed on me, most likely Hanamura's and Satonaka.

"This is getting old... We seriously need to find a way to enter the TV without landing on each other..." Hanamura groaned.

"Hey... Can you two... get off me? I can't... breathe..." I huffed, lightly hitting my hand onto the ground several times, like a wrestler calling quits.

"Oh! S-Sorry! No wonder the fall wasn't that bad like last time..." Satonaka stuttered as he and Hanamura quickly jumped off of me. I sighed in relief, feeling less pressure from my rib cage. A hand suddenly appeared in front of my face, causing me to look up. It was Hanamura, a worried yet embarrassed look on his face. I nodded a thank you to him as I took his hand, raising to my feet with his assistance.

Once I was up, the first thing Hanamura and I did was putting on our glasses on for the sake of getting a clear vision. Satonaka was looking around, a nostalgic look on his face. He suddenly exclaimed, taking a step back.

"Whoa! It really is that thing from last time!" Satonaka remarked, staring over at the corner where Berry sat in, her back facing us. I blinked in confusion at Berry's behavior and walked over to her, Hanamura and Satonaka behind me.

"Yo, Berry! What're you doing?" Hanamura asked, poking Berry's head. Berry stared out into the distance, a troubled look on her face.

"Can't you tell?" Berry asked, as if it was obvious. "I'm thinking about stuff..."

"What were you thinking about?" I asked, causing Berry to turn around.

"Well... After you and Yosuke left, I began to wonder about where I came from" Berry began, her tone covered in sadness. "After all, if Shadow's came from humans and I'm a bear... Where did I come from?"

"Shadows...?" Satonaka asked. I looked at him, noticing the confused raised eyebrow, and nodded.

"Those monsters you saw when we first came here. Hanamura and I also told you about them" I explained, causing Satonaka to nod, now understanding what I was talking about. I turned my attention back over to Berry who was thinking even harder, her arms crossed with eyes closed.

"I've been deli-bear-ating over it for a long time now," Berry sighed. I twitched at her pun, finding it a bit humors and yet painful. Berry's face suddenly light up, realizing the joke she had unconsciously made. "Hey, that wasn't a bad joke. Heehee!" Hanamura groaned in annoyance as Berry giggled.

"Bad puns aside, did you figure anything out?" Hanamura asked. Before Berry could answer, Hanamura shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. "Eh, it's probably useless to think about it too much. I've seen the inside of your skull, and it was empty." Berry gasped dramatically before growling dramatically at Hanamura.

"How rude! Stupid Pervs-ke!" Berry scowled. Hanamura blinked rapidly in surprise and possible shock, taking a step back.

"Per... Pervs-ke?" Hanamura repeated, a visible bead of sweat forming on his brow.

"You don't understand the delicate heart of a girl, do you?!" Berry continued, ignoring Hanamura's shock, as he glanced over at me.

"That was rather rude of you, Hanamura" I said with a small nod, agreeing with Berry. Berry bounced happily and hugged my waist.

"Sensei, you so get me!" Berry squeaked. I placed my hand on Berry's head as a way of comfort, feeling my cheeks warm up.

"Hey, I don't want to sound like an ass, but will you just shut up?!" Satonaka interrupted, trying hard to keep his composure together. "Now's not the time for stupid jokes. Listen... Someone came here yesterday, right?" Berry gasped in surprise as she let go of my waist, her eyes twinkling.

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