The Death Of Saki Konishi

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3rd POV

"You... need an exit?" the bear asked, blinking in surprise at the safe appearances of the trio. The girl with the short silver hair, Hitomi Narukami, seemed to have her yellow ribbon un-done. The boy with the bowl shaped haircut, Nise Satonaka, sighed in relief and slight exhaustion as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"We finally found you..." he sighed. Nise wanted nothing more than to get out of the strange world that he and the others were in. The other boy with the slightly unkempt fawn colored hair, Yosuke Hanamura, leaned forward towards the bear while standing behind Nise and next to Hitomi.

"Look, you seem like the type to know the in's and out's of this place pretty well!" Yosuke interrogated, trying to sound a little powerful. But the bear didn't really pay attention to what he was saying

"That doesn't matter right now! What did you do with the Shadows?!" the bear asked, her voice squeaking as she flailed her arms.

"You talkin' about those monsters?" Nise asked, blinking at the bear with slightly questioning eyes.

"Yeah, yeah!" the bear said as it bowed a few times, unable to nod it's head. Yosuke placed a hand on his hip as it raised an eyebrow.

"What are they?" Yosuke asked, a bit of curiosity in his voice. Hitomi suddenly got an idea in her head as she blinked at the bear.

"Did you make those shadow things?" she asked, a hint of doubt in her voice. Looking at the strange female bear, Hitomi thought that there was no way it could do something like make those dangerous monsters. But at the same time, Hitomi had no clue what the world was like in the first place, so it wouldn't hurt to ask. However, the bear growled in annoyance at Hitomi's question, feeling offended that she would ask that.

"Now don't be a dummy bear!" the bear squeaked, anger in her voice.

"You know, I've had just about up to here" the bear began, raising it's left paw up to it's head to show how annoyed she was, "with people barging up in here and railing up the shadows!" The bear stomped her foot down in annoyance, and a stack of TVs appear in a puff of smoke. Yosuke and Nise exclaimed in surprise, stunned at how the stack of televisions magically appeared.

"T-T.V's?" they stuttered. Hitomi blinked in surprise, slightly stunned like the others.

"Now go on, get out of here!" the bear barked as she pointed at the TV's. Hitomi, Nise, and Yosuke blinked at the bear in confusion; unsure of how to enter the TV's for they looked too small and were stacked up to a number of three. Not wanting to waste anymore time, the bear walked over to behind the trio, causing them to turn around in confusion.

"As you can see, I'm a beary busy bear!" the bear squeaked as she started to push Hitomi backwards. Hitomi, Nise, and Yosuke started to walk backwards; nervous as to what might happen if they touch the bear. Soon, Yosuke and Nise felt their backs hit something cold like glasses which they assume if the television screens. The bear continued to push the trio, causing Hitomi to have her back against the boys making them blush a little. Soon, the TV became soft at the touch of Hitomi's back and they began to fall backwards.


Hitomi's POV

Just like before, we fell to the ground in a pile. I was thankfully able to land on my hands and knees in front of the television, compare to the way that Satonaka and Hanamura landed which was their face planted to the ground. I noticed that my glasses I wore inside the television laid in front of me, in perfect condition. I sat on my bottom as I grabbed the glasses, tucking them onto my collar for safe keeping since I had no pockets. I suppose they're mine now, so it wouldn't hurt to keep them.

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