Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Here you go. I love you guys all so much. Dedication because they messaged me, telling me how much they love this book, and it just made my day. The last chapter awaits...

When Niall and Zayn returned to the hospital, the sun was just starting to rise. Niall was a little nervous that maybe Liam was awake, and was worried about them, or something.

When they got to the room, Niall proved to be right. There was Liam, standing up, with his arms crossed, and a deep scowl on his face.

“Where have you been?” he asked. “I woke up two hours ago, and neither of you were here. I’ve been waiting up since then.”

Niall watched as Zayn scrambled to find a suitable lie, and was about to intervene, when Zayn said, “We didn’t want to eat hospital food, so we went to McDonalds. And then we just went to a park, and ate, right, Niall?”

“Yeah,” Niall replied.

“Okay,” Liam said, peering at both Niall and Zayn closely. Then he said, “Okay, so if that’s all you did, why do Niall’s knuckles have blood on them?”

“Umm…” Zayn looked to be at lost for words.

“Who did you beat up?” Liam demanded.

Niall sighed. He knew he would have to tell the truth. He quickly recounted the whole situation to Liam, who continued to look shocked through it. When Niall finished, Liam looked a little upset.

“I can’t believe it,” he murmured. “You guys shouldn’t have done that. He could’ve hurt you, and we can’t use his confession in court, because he’ll claim you beat it out of him, and he was only saying it to get you to leave him alone. And as far as we know, he could’ve just been saying what he knew you wanted him to hear.”

Niall sighed. Of course Liam was probably right. Liam always was sensible, and was normally right about things. Louis probably just said it because he knew it’s what they wanted to hear. Just as he knew what to say to get Niall to punch him.

There was a knock at the door at that moment, and Liam went to answer it. He opened the door, to reveal no other than Victor Jonas standing there.

“Oh,” Victor said, looking a little unsettled. “You’re here. I thought you were out looking for a fight.” This was towards Niall, who was still confused. He remembered that Harry had warned him to stay away from Victor, however, and he had been totally planning to do so. Until now, that was. Now Victor was here, in the same room. He couldn’t very well avoid Victor when they were pressed together in such a small room together.

Just then, Dr. Jonas walked through the door. He looked startled to see Victor standing there. “Victor?” he asked, sounding completely surprised that his son was here. “How’d you get here? I thought I grounded you for sneaking out earlier this week. You should be at home.”

Victor looked a little upset at that point. He then grumbled, and stormed out of the hospital room. Niall looked at Zayn and Liam, and they all let out a quick laugh.

It was then that they heard it. “Niall…where are you?” Niall looked at the bed, where Harry was sleeping. He was mumbling in his sleep.

“Go on, over by him, and talk to him,” Dr. Jonas prompted. “If he knows you’re here, he might wake up sooner.”

Niall walked over to Harry’s bed, and kneeled down closer to the boy. “Harry?” he asked, uncertain. “Harry, it’s me, Niall. I’m here.”

“Niall?” Harry asked again. “I…I love you. Don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going to,” Niall whispered. “And, I love you too. I think I always have. Please, Harry, wake up.”

“I see a light,” Harry choked out. “It’s so bright. Niall, are you there, at the light, waiting for me?”

“Harry,” Niall choked out, feeling the tears coming. “Whatever you do, do not go near the light. Please, just come back, and wake up.”

“It’s so pretty…” Harry sighed, and he trailed off.

Niall’s tears started flooding. Harry was dead, he just knew it. He’d went towards the light, and now Niall was never going to see him again. He was never going to hear Harry’s voice, never hear him laugh. He was never going to get in a fight with him, or get to kiss him, or even tell him he loved him again. He could still hear his voice.

“Niall,” Harry’s voice whispered. Wait, that wasn’t in Niall’s imagination. This was Harry. He looked at Harry’s bed, and saw Harry’s green eyes staring directly at him. “Why are you crying? I woke up, isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Harry! You’re alive!” Niall exclaimed, giving the curly haired boy a huge hug. He was alive.

There you guys go. That’s the end of Perfectionist, no lie. Well, okay, so it’s kind of a lie, seeing how there’s an epilogue, and then a sequel, but yeah. I know, it’s a crappy ending, but hey, HARRY’S ALIVE! Tell me you cried during that Narry conversation, please? I was choking as I wrote it. And there was a mere second of contemplation of whether or not I should kill Harry off. Yes, I was actually considering it. I know, it’s horrible, right? Anyways, let me know what you thought of the book. I know I enjoyed writing it, but did you enjoy reading it? Okay. One epilogue coming up soon. And over there----> That’s a picture I made, and it’s what VICTOR looks like. Now you can put a face to the name. I love you all for following and reading and commenting on this book. I might have the epilogue posted by the end of the day, IDK yet.

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