Chapter Twenty-Six

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Dedication because of comment on the last chapter :) I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

Before the paramedics could make it though, Niall had gotten down on his knees, and started giving Harry chest compressions. He had no idea how far the paramedics were, and he wasn’t about to let Harry die. If Harry died, he would never, not in a million years, forgive himself. It would be his entire fault.

A dead Harry meant a dead Niall, because Niall wasn’t about to go on living when the boy he loved was dead. It would simply be unrealistic for him to continue living if Harry died.

“…28, 29, 30,” Niall finished counting under his breath. And then he pinched Harry’s nose, leaned his head backward, and then gave him mouth-to-mouth. “Please, please, beat again,” he murmured as he listened for the heartbeat. There was nothing though.

He went back to the compressions, and then mouth-to-mouth. He’d gotten four cycles of it in before the ambulance showed up.  A guy in a white outfit stepped out, and walked over to Niall, who was still trying to save Harry with compressions.

“Hey, Niall,” the guy said, kneeling down. Niall looked up to see no other than Dr. Jonas there. “Here, let me take it from here.”

“His heart’s not beating anymore, Dr.,” Liam said, nervously.

“Yeah it is,” Niall replied assertively. He had actually been able to restart Harry’s heart after the last mouth-to-mouth. Or maybe it was during the compressions. Whenever it was, he’d been able to restart the heart, and now it was beating faintly. “I restarted it. However, it’s faint, and I’m worried it wasn’t enough.”

“Good job, Niall,” Dr. Jonas said, smiling warmly. “We need to get him to the hospital though.”

“C-can I ride in the ambulance? When I went to the hospital during my concussion, Harry was able to ride with me, and I want to go with him.”

Dr. Jonas simply smiled, and nodded. Then, he called the other EMs over, and they carefully loaded Harry up onto a gurney, and into the ambulance. Then, Niall said goodbye to Liam and Zayn.

“We’ll meet you there,” Liam said, hugging him. “Just, don’t let my cousin died.” He was trying to be brave, Niall could see that, but it looked like he was going to crack any second. Niall felt bad for his best friend, who was trying to stay cool, and keep calm in front of his boyfriend. It had to be hard. Yeah, it was Niall’s boyfriend who had been shot, but Liam and Harry were cousins. And it had seemed as though they were extremely close too.

As they were about to shut the ambulance door, after Niall climbed into it, Niall called out to Liam, “No one will judge you if you cry!.”

The ambulance ride seemed to take forever. When they pulled into the hospital, Niall was squeezing Harry’s hand, and he kept checking to make sure Harry was breathing and that his heart was beating. So far, neither had stopped again. Niall trailed behind the EMs as they pushed Harry down the hall of the hospital, taking him straight to a room.

They were about to close the door on Niall when Dr. Jonas said, “No, let him in.”

The other two EMs looked at each other uncertainly, but then nodded, parting the door for Niall to enter. Niall went straight to the chair by the bed, and sat down. He hoped that Harry would wake up eventually.

Dr. Jonas excused the other two EMs once they got all the machines hooked up to Harry, and they both left. However, Dr. Jonas took a seat down next to Niall.

“Hey, kid,” he said. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, what since you graduated from CPR classes? I thought you wanted to be a doctor.”

“I do,” Niall replied. “I’ve been busy with other stuff. And I’m gonna start volunteering next year. I’ll spend a year volunteering, and then the next year, I’ll be off to Uni.”

“Good for you,” Dr. Jonas told him. “However, how about you start coming in on the weekends? Liam and I could use some help with the CPR classes on Saturday, we’ve got an overflow, and it’s hard monitoring each kid. And you can help Liam around on Sundays. And once he leaves after the summer is over with, you can take Liam’s place. You should have learnt the ropes by then.”

“Really?” Niall asked, surprised that Dr. Jonas would offer such an amazing opportunity.

“Yeah,” he replied, smiling.

“I’ll do it,” Niall said, quickly. Then, he turned back to Harry. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He should be,” Dr. Jonas replied. “I’m not sure how long he’ll be in the coma, but we do need to remove the bullet. We’ll have to stitch it up, but the bullet itself didn’t seem to go too deep, and it didn’t hit any vital organisms. Whoever shot him was aiming to kill, however. It missed the heart by mere centimeters.”

Niall couldn’t believe that. He was so certain it was Louis who had shot Harry, and he was going to prove it, no matter what it would cost. He couldn’t let him get away with attempted murder. There was no way. Next time he saw Louis, it would be to smash his face in, and make him feel the pain he’d caused Niall, and now Harry.

Dr. Jonas stayed in the room for a while, talking to Niall, and about fifteen minutes later, Liam and Zayn walked into the room. Niall got up to stand by them.

“What’s the situation, Dr. Jonas?” Liam asked, sounding nervous.

Dr. Jonas quickly repeated the situation, and Liam relaxed a little. Then, he turned to Niall, and engulfed the blonde into a hug. “I’m so sorry this happened,” he whispered. “I wished that all this stuff didn’t have to keep happening to you. Like, if I could take some if this burden off of your shoulders, and I’d carry it.”

“Don’t,” Niall whispered, feeling the tears coming back. “I wouldn’t let you, but thanks for the offer.” Liam pulled away from the hug, and Niall noticed the tears forming in Liam’s eyes. “Don’t be afraid to cry,” Niall whispered.

Liam took the advice, and the tears just started to flow out of his brown eyes. He buried his head in Zayn’s shirt. Zayn looked a little uncomfortable for a second, but then he started patting Liam’s back.

“It’ll be okay,” Zayn murmured. “Don’t worry, Li. Everything will be okay. Just let it all out.”

Niall watched the two of them, wishing that he could have something like that. He could, but only if Harry were to make it, and he prayed Harry would wake up soon.

There :) So Harry is technically NOT dead. However, he could still die. He’s just not there yet, that’s all :) What did you guys think of the chapter? Of the whole last Ziam moment? Of anything. I JUST WANT YOUR OPINION! You guys don’t know how sad I am that there’s only two more chapters left, plus the epilogue. But, then we have the SEQUEL! Oh, picture over there -----> I made :)

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