Part 2

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OMG I'm so happy with how the last part turned out! I'll make sure to keep updating frequently. And remember: comment if you like this series, and more will come! 😃 But enough of this, let's get into the next part!

Frisk P.O.V.

"Now my brother, Papyrus... He's a human hunting fanatic." Sans says, as you follow him over the bridge. "As a matter of fact, I think that's him right over there. Better hide behind that conveniently-shaped lamp before he sees you, buddy."

You smile at Sans and do what you're told. You've always done what you're told.

Then his brother appears. And man, is he tall. He must be a solid two feet taller than Sans at least. He comes stomping up to Sans, and is rather excited, by the looks of it.

"Sans! Guess what!" He says, with a singsong-tone. His name- Papyrus, was it? Seems to fit him quite well. He is clearly very flamboyant- which, is an understatement, you can already tell. He is wearing a red scarf and a white torso piece- the rest you can't see, because part of the lamp is blocking him.

"Heh, what is it, bro?" Sans asks. His voice is soothing. It reminds you of one of your favourite melodies. Suddenly you wonder what it would sound like if he sang.

"Undyne has a crush!" Papyrus continues, in a mocking tone.

"Wow, I think that's really-"

"Sans, don't you dare."



You giggle a little at the skeleton's joke.

"No, really. I'm not even squidding."

"Well, if you think it's so funny, then why don't you go find some love yourself?"

"Nah, bro. I really just don't have the heart for that kind of stuff. After all, I am just a skeleton."

You watch hysterically as Papyrus throws a mini temper-tantrum and stalks away. Sans laughs for a moment, then calls your name.

"You can come out now, bud."

"What was that all about?" You ask, wondering if Sans always annoys his brother with puns in this way.

"Don't worry 'bout it. I'm just tryin' to tickle his funnybone a little."

You give a little snort, and burst out laughing again. "Well, I think your jokes were ex-skull-ent!" You say, proud of your joke.

"That was really good!" Sans exclaims. You walk for a little bit longer until he asks if you're hungry.

"Hungry?" You reply. Suddenly you realize how hungry you actually are. You haven't eaten since before you left the ruins, and only a few bites. You feel your stomach rumble as you speak. "Well maybe a little..."

"Okay. I'll take you over to Grillby's and we can grab a bite to eat." He answers.

"Grillby's? What's that?" You ask.

"The resturant here in Snowdin. You wanna see?"

You nod and follow him to the quaint little town.

Maybe the Underground wouldn't be so bad after all.

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