[ Chapter V ] Thank You For Being Born

Start from the beginning

"Let's take a rest okay?" Taekwoon laid down on the grass and stretched his arms out.

He looked up at the forever-darkened sky and looked again at the tall trees that surrounded him on all sides. As he closed his eyes, he heard the whimpers of the souls that could not move on but rather than being frightened, their voices kept him company. Taekwoon was no longer afraid of them and as sad as they sounded, it seemed as if they finally found peace here. They wandered from tree to tree as if they were dancing throughout the forest. Their dances and the rustling sound the forest made, got Taekwoon to start humming. He couldn't help but hum along with the sounds of the forest.

"Taekwoonie?" a voice called out and interrupted Taekwoon's song.

* * * * * *

Taekwoon shot up from his position and was startled by the voice. It was Hakyeon.

"Mhmm," Taekwoon replied as he approached the door.

"Yay! I was kind of worried that you wouldn't be here yet since it's still too early. I couldn't stay still at home just thinking about today!"

It was the same Hakyeon that Taekwoon talked to yesterday. Still as enthusiastic and hyper as before. Where does he get all his energy from? Taekwoon wondered.

"Wait, was that you humming just now?" Hakyeon asked.

"Uh... it's nothing, I was just bored." Taekwoon answered while he felt his embarrassment rush up to his cheeks.

"Bored? But you sounded so good. What were you humming to?"

"Nothing. Just humming."

"I see. Hmm... so how was your day? I barely got any sleep last night. I got a bit scared thinking you weren't real. I couldn't stop thinking about you all night."

"Huh?" startled by Hakyeon's bold remark, Taekwoon's cheeks became hotter.

"I mean, I thought I was dreaming! Like what if you wouldn't be here today or if yesterday wasn't real and –" Hakyeon stumbled on his words trying to explain himself after realizing what he had said. Even Hakyeon began to blush as if the embarrassment was contagious.

"Anyways! I'm glad you're real Taekwoonie!"

Taekwoon was glad that 'Cha Hakyeon' was real as well, that it wasn't just a dream. He was also relieved that he wasn't the only one who felt that way. Hakyeon also couldn't sleep the night before thinking about Taekwoon as much as Taekwoon was thinking about Hakyeon. Somehow, Taekwoon didn't find his meeting with Hakyeon strange but rather, it calmed him and just by listening to his voice, he felt a familiar feeling. Hakyeon's presence alone was able to make Taekwoon feel at ease. He didn't know how to explain the feeling he got or why but Taekwoon was genuinely happy to have met Hakyeon.

* * * * * *

Their secret meetings continued every day or every week and each time they met, it was fun and neither grew tired of one another. Although Hakyeon did the talking most of the time, Taekwoon enjoyed listening to Hakyeon's stories and adventures. They would have petty fights at times when arguing about the most childish things like 'would you eat curry with the sauce on the side or poured on top of the rice,' and might ignore one another for a day or two but Taekwoon would usually give in and talk to Hakyeon again. Hakyeon was soft on Taekwoon especially when he apologized first, so Hakyeon could never stay mad for long.

Taekwoon learned a lot about Hakyeon and the world on the other side of the door. From listening to Hakyeon's stories, he came to a conclusion that the world in which Hakyeon came from could possibly be the 'mortal' realm that his mother used to talk to him about. If only Taekwoon could see the magnificent views that Hakyeon described the mortal world to be, for himself. To think, the only thing that stood in his way was a door that could not be opened. Taekwoon also learned a bit about Hakyeon during their little meetups.

Despite Hakyeon's enthusiastic and outgoing appearance, there would be times when Hakyeon would come crying to Taekwoon. Hakyeon always got picked on by the same things such as having 'dark skin' or 'short height' by his so-called 'friends' on the other side. When that happens, Hakyeon would cry nonstop and the only way to comfort him was when Taekwoon would sing or lullaby him.

Whenever Hakyeon feels down or in need of comfort, he would always ask Taekwoon to sing and Taekwoon could never turn down his friend's request. In fact, Taekwoon enjoyed singing as much as the other enjoyed listening to his songs.

* * * * * *

Many tomorrows had passed and each was enjoyable for the both. They spent their first birthdays together and each of the following birthdays was unforgettable. During the first time Taekwoon spent his birthday with Hakyeon, Hakyeon said he brought a small cake along with him. Although Taekwoon couldn't see it, Hakyeon would talk all about how his mom helped him bake it and that it turned out amazingly. Hakyeon would then make Taekwoon imagine the cake was in front of him and pretend to blow out the invisible candle after making a wish.

"Thank you for being born, Taekwoonie! Thank you for being here and being my friend! Let's be together forever!" as Hakyeon sings the birthday song excitedly to Taekwoon.

Taekwoon was moved by Hakyeon's small deeds and he would do the same during Hakyeon's birthday. Taekwoon would personally bake a cake for Hakyeon as well but would never admit it. He would fool Hakyeon by saying he bought it at a local bakery and Hakyeon would believe him. If only Hakyeon knew how many times Taekwoon nearly burnt down the kitchen making his attempts to the point where the housekeeper forbid him from entering the kitchen ever again. Of course, Taekwoon had his ways of cleaning up his mess after trespassing each time when he wasn't supposed to.

* * * * * *

The tomorrows that Taekwoon once hated the most, became the thing he looked forward to the most. When is the next time going to be? He would always ask and mark down his calendar as he waits. Even when the two of them got busier during the start of their school year, the two would make sure to meet at least once a week or every other week as much as possible. Each time they do meet, they would talk for hours and catch up with all the stories that they had missed.

Their happiness and secret meetings continued even when they became sixteen.


This was a 'light' chapter. Something you can picture from 'Disney' films ~ Just imagine Taekwoon as one of the Disney princesses singing.... OTL

The other day, I had a dream about finding a puppy and when I saw his collar... it said 'Hyuk' on it! Our Hyogi is a puppy even in my dreams haha. I added some Taekwoon and Hyogi moments in this chapter because I wanted it to be 'fluffy'. Remember how Hyogi would be afraid of Taekwoon in the past? Now it's maknae on top. Poor Grandpa Daeguni can't do anything about it now.

This chapter was purely inspired by Zone's "Secret Base ~ 君がくれたもの ~" I had this chapter planned since the beginning because of this song.

Anyways, hope you guys look forward to more as they will be sixteen starting next chapter :)

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