"You know a lot about the guy."

"I was married to him."

"Pearce," Ross looked at me straight in the eye. "I checked the front door there was no signs of a forced entrance."

"No there wouldn't be. I told Jack where I kept the spare key."

"Okay let's take a step back. I have a feeling Jack's abduction and whatever happened to your place are connected. Using the voicemail."

"Okay," I nodded. "There was struggle. My floor and rug were vacuumed to get rid of hairs and DNA suggesting there had been a struggle." I moved over to the coffee table. "The coffee table was pushed right?" I saw down the sofa and kicked the table, it scratched the floor. "So I kicked the table to protect myself."

"But that doesn't explain the blood droplets or the other stain," Esposito said.

"Or why they didn't clean of the blood," Ross added.

I snapped my fingers, "Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing detergent is what you use for beer stain. The scent would be gone or be masked by the dish soap but bleach which is used for bloodstain has a sharp smell. The blood stains were covered by the pillows until I made your bed."

"There was a sweep team in here," Ross sighed. "This is too professional."

"But what was Bloom doing here?" Esposito questioned.

"Watching me," I remembered. "Dante had him watching my apartment."

"Your husband has problems," Esposito commented.

"You think."

Esposito's phone rang and he answered it.

"Someone on our team is working with Dante," I whispered to Ross. "Someone we trust. Someone we put our life on the line for."

"Someone like Jake," Ross interjected. "Pearce I know you have a thing for him but he was a key to your apartment. We dropped him off. He was no alibi. If it his-"

"We'll burn that bridge when we come to it."

"That was Ray," Esposito announced. "The red stains are indeed blood. It's A positive. Either of you A positive?"

"Both of us are O positives," Ross answered.

"Also the stain around the blood is Ketamine."

"All of Dante's bodyguards carried around injections filled with ketamine," I informed. "The struggle. There were no punches or kicks. They were struggling over the injection."

"You were also right about getting the beer stain out. Vinegar, peroxide and dish wash soap was used," Esposito added. "Pearce we have no actual proof that Bloom was in your apartment."

I ignored him and kicked the sofa out of frustration. The sofa moved slightly revealing drag marks hidden under the sofa. "Look."

"More drag marks," Ross observed.

"They were on the sofa, fighting over the ketamine," Esposito shrugged.

"Go along with me," I pleaded. "I'm Jack Bloom. I came to Pearce's apartment for some reason. It's the dead of night and I'm an informant. Where would I be?"

"By the window," Esposito said. "I'd wanna on alert."

I moved in front of the window. "Ross pretend to be the attacker."

Ross moved to the door. "So I know Jack has been helping Pearce. I work for Dante. I want to kill Jack but not here too much exposure so I'd subdue him."

With a few strides Ross was behind me. "But I can't smash you against the window because it may break alarming people. Or the bookshelf because if it broke it'd be hard to replace at this time of night and I'm trying to conspicuous "

"So you me at the sofa." I let Ross lightly toss me. I landed on the sofa, causing it to move, matching the grooves on the floor. "Then I'd kick the table hoping to knock you over." I kicked the table and it hit Ross around the legs.

"Then we'd struggle." Ross took me and held me against the sofa. "At this point I either take the ketamine from you or I have my own. Anyway we're struggling. I'm trying to inject you but you keep moving. I prick you once or twice. And I accidentally hit plunger too, therefore the ketamine stain."

"I'm scared that I may die so I call up the one person I who can help." I pull out my phone. "Also I have probably ID'ed that my attacker is on Pearce's team. So I tell her that there is a mole on the team. Then my attacker wins and injects me with the ketamine."

"While your heading into an unconscious you call in faith." Ross got off me.

"No it was a clue," I answered my eyes on the bookshelf.

"What?" Esposito put his hands on his hips.

When I was pretend struggling with Ross one red spine book caught my eye. I went over and plucked it out, The Holy Bible.

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilWhere stories live. Discover now