4. One of a kind

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For some women dreaming about killing their husbands meant they were psychopathic but for me it was therapy. I rose from the sofa and walked to my bedroom to get dressed.

Of course I wasn't going to kill him, I was a FBI agent after all, but knowing I could meant I had no feelings for him.

I threw on a crisp white short sleeved shirt, blue jeans, a cream colored leather jacket and black heeled ankle boots. I dug deep in my closet until I found a worn out shoe box. It was covered in dust. I pulled opened the top and memories flooded me. I found my old wedding album, a few sentimental gifts and my wedding ring. The ring was a simple gold band with Pearce Capaldi carved inside. I slipped it on my wedding finger. It felt weird, like a weight holding me down.

I tossed the album back into the box but took the ring. I threw the ring into my toilet. It clinked as it hit the bottom. I pressed the silver button and a force of water took the ring along with my feelings for Dante.

I heard whispers about me as I walked into the FBI building agents and and analysts whispered behind their files, "It's her the drug lords wife" "How can the FBI even let her be an Agent" "I heard she was in on it".

At that point I could care less about what people thought. They were never where I was. They didn't have a criminal for a husband. There was a lot of on my floor. Jones spotted me. "What's going on?"

"The other criminal organizations caught a wind of Dante Capaldi in Boston. They all want to be part of it."

"They have nothing better to do? I thought the FBI was handling this."

"I don't know yet. Laverne Jackson is here and so are Jessica Osbourne, Will Crawford."

"Section Chief Laverne Jackson? She's a legend! Wow! Who are the others?"

"Jessica Osbourne is a CIA agent and Crawford is from the DEA."

There was loud arguing the conference room between the agents. There wasn't any clear conversation more of just screaming and shouting.

"Are they fighting over the case?" I whispered to Green. 

"This is awesome!" Green exclaimed.

"But this is a FBI case right?" Vivian asked. "We found the photo."

"Capaldi is a drug lord that interests the DEA, sex trafficking, murders and weapons trafficking for the FBI and but he also traded in intelligence, so the CIA is also interested to know what information he has," Ross pointed out. He seemed in a better mood.

"Well he was always one of a kind," I sighed. 

"Sorry Pearce," Green shook his head. "We're talking about your husband."

"Not my husband just a criminal now."

Jake bustled into the room with a laptop in his hands, "New Intel on Capaldi."

The argument in the room stopped.

Jake plugged in the laptop in and a photo showed up on the large screen. It was Dante and a man standing in front of a mansion. The mansion was picturesque with large white columns and marble fountain.

"That was our home in Back Bay," I spoke up. 

"Who is she?" Osbourne asked. 

"SSA Pearce Hudson," I stuck out my hand. 

"She's the wife," Crawford smirked. 

"And my agent," Gibson added. "So we get the case!"

"CIA gets the case!" Osbourne shouted back.

"It's a DEA case. Capaldi is a drug lord!" Crawford slapped the table.

"Everyone just shut the fuck up!" Jake banged the table. 

"Mr. Newman!" Jackson gasped. 

"I just found new Intel on this case and you all interested in who gets the credit? Why don't catch the guy first?"

"Joint mission," Jackson suggested. 

"CIA runs point," Osbourne tested. 

"FBI!" Gibson said. 

"I'm fine with that," Crawford shrugged. 

Osbourne angrily stopped her feet then said, "Fine! What Intel do we have?"

"Few hours ago Capaldi met up with a real estate agent named Michael Graham and bought this mansion in Back Bay, Boston," Jake informed. 

"I sold the place right after he left," I added.

"So what we do Jackson?" Osbourne hissed. "I mean what's our play."

"Undercover?" Jackson suggested. 

"Too dangerous," Crawford said.

"Well then anyone have a good idea?" Gibson asked.

"Undercover," Osbourne leaned against the table. "But we send her in."

All eyes were on me.

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilWhere stories live. Discover now