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"That son of a bitch!" Peter exclaimed.
"Keep your voice down!"
"I'm going to kill him!"
I gasped, "Shut up."
"No Pearce! I'm going gut him-" I clamped my hand on his mouth.
I took out my FBI badge from the inside of my jacket. "You're right I'm not an private investigator. I'm an FBI agent undercover as one."
I explained the whole story to him.
"How are you going to catch him?" Peter asked.
"I'm working on it." I sat up on the counter.
"Wow my sister a FBI agent."
"Don't tell anyone okay?"
"One more thing, Dante may have Alessandra."
I saw the hurt in his eyes. "We always assumed that Pearce. What difference will it make now?"
"I'll find her this time."
"Do you still think about her? What she looks like? What she doing?"
"Only everyday Pete. Only everyday."

"Hey you should come tomorrow," Paul said as I walked towards the door. It was past eleven and most of the family had left.
"Why what's tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is Pearce's birthday. I know it's short notice but I'd love it if you came. And it would be chance for you to meet Mackenzie."
"I'll be there. But can I bring a friend?"
"Hey Pearce!" Paul shouted.
"Don't disappear again."
"I won't!"

I unlocked the door my apartment and unzipped my boots. "Hello Bella."
I jumped up startled. I switched on the lights. Dante was perched on my windowsill petting Max.
"Get out!"
"What no hello?" A small smile danced on his lips.
He moved swiftly through the living room. Thankfully, no spy equipment were lying around.
"Get out Dante! Or I'm calling the cops!"
"Calm down Bella. I just came to say good night and remind you, you're mine."

"I'm not your property Dante! I never was!"

"No you're my wife."

"Was. Emphasize on was."

His arms stretched out and caged me in against the wall. I was like a trapped animal looking for an escape.

"What do you want Dante? Was five years of torment for me not enough for you? I would wake up everyday thinking this was the day you came back. This was the day you'd call. And every night I'd tell myself, tomorrow he's ganna call tomorrow. You never did."

"I'm here now. Things can go back to the way it was," he cupped my face in his hands.

"It can't Dante. You're a criminal."

"But I'm still in love with you."

With that his lips crashed onto mine. I didn't stop him. I kissed him back. He forced me back and my back hit the door frame. His hands trailed my body. I still didn't stop him. We broke apart and he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Good night Bella."
My eyes were closed, so I opened them. Dante was gone. I wiped my mouth repeatedly. I could still feel the shiver in my back when he whispered into my ear. I pulled out my phone and dialed Jones's number.
He picked up on the first ring but the network was terrible. The line kept breaking up, which was odd because this morning it was fine.
"Hello," I said taking a seat on the sofa.
"He...ll...ooo..." Jones stuttered.
A faint red light in my bookshelf caught my eye. I went over to it, grabbing the blinking light. It was a small spy cam. It backed out of the apartment, with a Max barking at me. I slammed the door shut. I began banging on Jake's door. He opened up, shirtless and a towel wrapped around his waist. His body glistening with water. I had never noticed how muscular his was.
"Dante bugged the apartment," I walked into his apartment.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! He was just there. I saw a spy cam in my bookshelf!"
"Hold on," he said, he disappeared into the bedroom. He reappeared in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He was on the phone.
"Yes sir," he said, on the phone. "Okay sir."
"Who was that?" I asked as he got off the phone.
"That was Gibson. He said a sweep team will come to your apartment."
"Oh that's great," I shrugged as Max settled on the carpet.
"You're welcome to stay here."
"Are you sure?"
"I'd rather not have you videoed in apartment."
"Thanks," I smiled. "I don't mean to be a pain but could I borrow some PJs?"
"Ah yeah sure," he returned from his room, with a CalTech T-shirt and some shorts. He also had a pillow and a blanket. "I'll take the sofa, you can take the bedroom."
"Thanks and thanks for letting me stay."
"No problem," he gave me a lopsided smile.
"Hey are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon?"
"Uh no."
"Good you're coming with me to my niece's birthday party."
He laughed, "Okay. Good night.
"Good night."

I changed into the T-shirt and shorts in the bathroom. The T-shirt was way too big and the shorts kept falling off.
They smelled like Jake and I loved the smell. It reminded me of home and the smell of grass on a rainy day.

I could see Jake through the open bedroom door as I laid in the bed. He took off his and switched off the lights. I sighed, for the first time in 5 years, I felt safe with a guy.

(Jake's P.O.V)
My back was killing me from sleeping on the couch. I was a tall guy and my feet dangled of the edge of the couch. But I wasn't going to complain to Pearce. She had plenty on her plate. And she was so calm about it.

She was such a complex person, it was amazing. She was beautiful, smart, everything you look for in a girl but she wasn't looking for a relationship. How could Dante give her up? I wouldn't.

Well first I had find a girl like her.

Sunlight streamed through the curtains. I was still tired but the sofa wasn't offering much sleep, so I got up. My phone buzzed on the coffee, table, it was the FBI sweep team, they had finished in Pearce's apartment and found numerous bugs and spy cams.

Pearce's dog, Max followed me, as I walked into the bedroom. The room was dark as the curtains were closed. Pearce was still sleeping. I was tempted to let her sleep in because she looked so peaceful and beautiful. I reached down and tucked back a stray stand of hair.

Pearce moved under the covers. "Mm," she moaned. At first I thought, I had woken her up but then I realized she was still asleep. She moved again and whispered, "Jake."

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang