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(Pearce's P.O.V)


That was all that happened as the video ended. No one spoke. No one made eye contact. Either we were in shock or we were too frightened to admit the obvious. Dante had killed him.

Jack spoke first, "You have to leave. NOW."
Ross grabbed my elbow, "Come on."
"Go, I'm right behind you," I squeezed his hand.
"Go. I have to say bye to Dante."

But Ross stood his ground. "I'm staying. Dante may or may not know. I'm not risking it."
I slowly swallowed. Jack had retrieved my jacket and I slipped it on as I heard Dante come down the stairs. I put on my brightest smile.

"Are you leaving?" he asked.
"I'm sorry it's work. It's really important. I wouldn't be leaving otherwise." Please believe me.
"It can't wait?"
"No it can't. How about a rain check? We can do something tomorrow?"
"Sure," he came down the steps, towards me. He grabbed me by arms. My mind went to defensive mode.

He's about to kidnap me.

He leaned down and kissed me.

Relief flooded me.

Kiss him back!

I dug my fingers in his hair and joined in the kiss. We pulled apart and he was breathless but I was disgusted. I did not want to kiss him. Every cell in my body hated him but I acted happy and blushing.

"I'll call you," he smiled.

Jack opened up one of the glass door double but Dante spoke again, "Wait."

My blood turned cold. Jack gripped the golden door handle tightly. One of Ross's hands trembled. We were all scared.
"Yeah?" I smiled at him.

He turned to Ross instead, "I don't think we've met before. Dante Capaldi."
Dante offered his hand.

Ross waited a moment then shook it.

"Jared Ross. I work with Pearce. I'm sorry to have interrupted your dinner."
"I'm Pearce's husband. Tell me do you usually burst in on your other colleagues dinners with work proposals?"
I shot Ross a look. He had to choose his next words very carefully.
"Only if it's urgent."
"Okay," I interjected. "We have to go. Good night."

We stepped out and I heard the door click close. I grabbed Ross by the elbow and we both half ran, half walked to the gates where a guard let us out. The car was parked down the street, as we came closer, I saw Jake's tall figure leaning against the car door. I raced to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He stumbled a few steps, surprised by my action but instantly put his arms around me when he regained his balance.

"Where's my hug?" Ross joked starting the car.
"Later. First we have to go to the crime scene. We need to see that body," I insisted, opening one of my emergency bags, I always have in the car.
"What about the cops?" Jake asked, as I pulled on a pair of pants, I shrugged off my dress and slipped in my thermal top and leather jacket.
"We're going to have to risk it," I replied, attaching my holster and fishing out my badge. "If they move that body evidence leading to Dante or where James was killed could be lost." After a moment, I added, "have you spoken to the rest of the team?"
"They're back at the office. Jones went back to the warehouse to see if he could find anything about what James did or where he went after he escaped," Ross stopped the car at a red light.

The pier was a festival of red, white and blue lights. Squad cars and uniformed officers were at each perimeter, guarding the crime scene and pushing back the horde of reporters and cameramen. The corners van was inside the taped area and men and women in windbreakers that said Forensics were taking pictures and inspecting the scene.

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilWhere stories live. Discover now