19.Dealing with the devil

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I moved my head to the side, "Ross do you see him?"
Ross glanced Dante's way, "I see him. He's coming this way." Ross unlinked his arm with mine and lightly nodded.

"I thought you hated AJ Peterson," I said to him. He was an arms length away.

"I made an exception."

"Alright good for you," I told him, walking away.
He grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?"
"I have a job to do."
"Selling private services to these people?"
"Not everyone can live of blood money."
Dante let out an angry sigh, "Bella can you just for once, please...just have a normal conversation with me."
I ran my hand through my hair and stopped fighting his grip. "Alright what do you want?"
"To talk. Look, I'm sorry I left. I didn't mean to leave...ever. Believe me."
I wrapped my arms around his neck. I needed that. Just to feel safe in his arms. Just for a moment I needed...something. Then the moment was over, I pulled away.

"I believe you Dante," I whispered. "But that doesn't mean I want you back," I whipped around and began searching for Ross.

The convention was tedious. If it wasn't for Ross I would've fallen asleep. AJ ranted on how fancy his new machine gun was, how it worked and the prices.

"You find anything?" I murmured to Ross.

"His bodyguards aren't here," Ross replied. "Which makes me suspicious."

"The conventions over," I told him. "I'll see what I can find out."

"You told Dante to beat it," Ross said. "You think he's going to talk to you."

"Dante Capaldi never gives up."

Most of the attendees scattered themselves around the room with drinks and snacks, served by the waiters. I made my rounds handing my cards to the attendees. I made sure to keep a distance from Dante, close enough to watch him, far enough not to spook him.

Ross grabbed my elbow, "I just had Jake check the security cameras in front of Dante's suite. His suits are standing in front of the door. How are we going to get in?"

"Let me call my guy," I told, dialing Jack's number.

"Honey I told you not to call me, when I'm working," Jack said answering the phone.

"Jack its me."

"I know sweetie. Is mommy there? I'm working now. Can I call you later?"

"Are you guarding Dante's suite?"


"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I'm sorry honey. I can't make it to your talent show. Daddy was suddenly called in for work."

"My partner will be up with the keycard. Can you help him...with the other guard?"

"Alright bye sweetie. I'll see you tonight."

"What he'd say?" Ross asked.

"He'll help."

"Now all we need is a keycard and the code."

"It'd be easier if I had some idea on how to get it."

"Didn't you go to Harvard? Aren't you supposed to smart?"

"Pretend to argue with me," I said suddenly. "Like we're breaking up."


"Just sell it," I said. "Ugh! Go to hell Jared!"

"Pearce! Not here!" he grabbed my arms, pulling me towards him. He was really selling it. Almost everyone had turned to see what the commotion was about.

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ