10.Old friends

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I stood at the window, lifting the curtain, lightly to see if the SUV was out there. Of course it wasn't there. Dante left a long time ago. It was the 5th time I checked. My mind knew he was gone, but it didn't believe.
"He's gone Pearce," Jake's voice came from behind me.
Ross and Jones had taken Jessica to the hospital to came sure I didn't break her nose.
"I know."
"But you don't believe it."
"No I don't," I turned around. He had an ice pack in his hand for my knuckle. I moved towards him tripping over a black case. He caught me and I grabbed his shoulders. I took a big whiff off him. He smelled amazing, like...coffee, sweat and something flowery I couldn't put my finger on.
"Here," he gingerly placed the pack on my bruised knuckle.
The cold surface burned my red bruised skin but felt nice.
"I can see why you're against violence. Bruises and wounds aren't worth it."
"I think scars shape us."
"I think they're reminders of mistakes."
I looked up. Our faces were centimeters apart. I felt his breath on my forehead. A buzzing sound interrupted us, Jake took a few steps back. I picked the source of it, my phone. It was a text from an unknown number, Ms. DeNiro? I knew who it was from. I replied with an location and time, hoping he would understand the message.
"Who was that?" Jake asked. His hand was still holding my hand over the ice pack.
"An old friend."

As the evening sky turned dark so did the water of Charles River. The pedestrians by the river decreased to evening joggers. The city lit up in different lights. The temperature dropped too. I sat on a bench by the river, rubbing my freezing hands together. I was dressed in black pants, black leather blazer, black linen top and black boots. Not ideal autumn wear.
"I told you to leave," a man sat on the bench.
"I left he came back," I replied.
"It should've stayed that way."
"You helped me and I never got your name."
"Jack Bloom."
"Why did you help me Jack?"
"You were a good person. You were innocent. I couldn't save any of the other girls. I figured saving you was for the others girls I couldn't."
"Why don't didn't you come forth to testify? You could've saved those girls."
"I wanted to. The last bodyguard who tried, his wife and baby boy were sent to him in a box in pieces. I don't need that. I have two girls."
"Then help."
"I need to know I can trust you. Can I?"
"You can trust me."
I took in deep breath and rubbed my palms again.
"I want to throw Dante into jail."
"How are you going to do that? You're just an insurance investigator."
"I have friends in high places. I just need concrete evidence to prove Dante's guilty."
"I'll see what I can do."
Jack got up from the bench and I in the light of a passing car I saw his face. He was over 6 ft, built like an ox and had chocolate colored skin.
"One more thing," I said.
"What?" Jack asked as smoke escaped from his mouth.
"March 2010, the night before we went to Washington. Did you see a girl around the house? Blonde hair, blue eyes, 13 years old."
"I'm sorry I didn't. I would've remembered her."
"Thanks anyways."
"Look after yourself and stay away from Capaldi."

I gripped the steering wheel of my car. My keys in the ignition, ready to start the car. I looked out the car window. A large house with brightly colored windows stood outside. Cars were piled outside the house and I was parked across the street, observing. There were a lot of people the house, clearly. I could see the silhouette of the people by the windows. I smiled. It was Sunday, so the whole family would be over for dinner. It a family tradition. My family tradition. It felt weird I hadn't thought of my family over 5 years and there I was outside my family house debating where or not to go in.

I opened the door of my car and a gust of cold air blew in. I fixed my jackets and moved hair from my shoulders. I slowly walked up the steps to the front door. It felt like with each step, weight gathered on my shoulders. I rang the doorbell and heard it echo through the house. A woman opened the door. She was shorter than me and had dark brown hair. "Yes?"
I smiled truly happy, "Hi mom."

Her eyes instantly began to water, "Pearce? Oh! My girl!" She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. I wasn't planning on letting her go.
"Demi who is?" Pedro DeNiro, my dad's voice came behind my mom.
"It's your daughter," mom sniffled.
"Pearce," dad breathed. He hugged me. "Oh my little girl!"
They moved out of the way, to let me in. Everyone was there; uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. They all had a surprised look on their face.
Yes, I was back.
"Pearce!" My brother Peter lifted me up and spun me around. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too!"
"There's my baby sis!" My other older brother, Paul, Alessandra's father exclaimed.
I grinned and hugged him, noticing a blonde toddler girl with big blue eyes wrapped around his legs. She looked like the exact duplicate of Alessandra when she was a toddler.
"Who's this?" I said in my baby voice.
"This is," Paul lifted the toddler on his arms. "Pearce. She's my daughter."
"You named her after me? Who's the mom? Don't tell me, another child out of wedlock."
"No," Paul laughed, a sad laugh. He held up his left hand to show his wedding band. "I got married. Her name's Mackenzie. She works in the weapons designing of Lux Industries." My father owned a weapons industry.

I missed my brother's wedding?

"That's great," I replied with a fake smile.
"Come sit down," mom said guiding me to the sofa. "Let's catch up. It's been 5 years, dear."
I winced, that hit a nerve.
"So what have you been up to?" Dad asked perching on the arm of the sofa.
"Well I finished university. I passed the bar."
"That's my girl," dad smiled proudly. "What are you doing now?"
"I'm working as an private investigator now. I have been for the past three years."

I couldn't tell them I was a FBI agent. There would be too many complications. Catching up with family was impossible. I had missed so many events, celebrations, and weddings I regretted it. I regret walking away from my family.
I stood in the back watching the family joke around.
"I know you too well to know when you're lying," Peter said standing beside me.
"Lying about what?"
"What you were doing in 5 years."
Peter and I were twins. When we were kids we were inseparable. He was my best friend and knew everything about me. Paul however was 8 years older than us, so we weren't very close.
"I'm not lying I did complete university and pass the bar!"
"But you're not an insurance investigator."
I grabbed his shirt and dragged him to the kitchen. I made sure no one was around.
"He's back Peter."
"Who's back?"
"Dante. He's back for me."

Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian DevilWhere stories live. Discover now