Built Around You

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Well, its been a long while since I have written. I was lacking inspiration. It was hard job to write these few lines. This is a short poem in which I wanted to tell everyone that no matter how much backward you are pushed, you always have the ability to rise. THere are people who will support you, believe in you and encourage you. Dont ever give up. Keep your effort to the maximum.


Look around you

Look about you

find love in things that surround you.

Look ahead

Don't be afraid

Find courage in the stories that surround you.

It's hard

I know

But remember I am always behind you.

Don't shake

Don't break

The pressure won't be able to grind you,

Keep cool

Keep calm

I will always remind you.

You are the one

You are the one

The chants will astound you,

But you can

And you will

Because my world is built around you.

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