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Idk why I started doing this, but I just had to. XD

The spells are not from movies or books or anything. I made them up with some sort of imaginary language. XD I take spell requests too. If ya want some sort of spell, just comment down bellow.

1. Amaké no kana tetsú.
-Duplicating spell.
Where one can duplicate themselves with the count of their choice. The spell can be broken with these words: Kana ni tetsú.
2. Amaké no kina tetsóra.
-Duplacating spell.
Where one can duplicate others with the count of their choice. The spell can be broken with these words: Kina ni tetsóra.

3. Didgágo no vizo.
-Invisible spell.
Where one can turn invisible for a limited period of time. The spell can be broken with these words: Didgá cúro vizo.
4. Didgégo ni vizitro.
-Invisible spell.
Where one can turn a person of choice invisible for a limited period of time. The spell can be broken with these words: Didgé cúri vizitro.

5. Nitro árà mutó.
-Mute spell.
Where one can mute everything that is around them for a limited period of time. The spell can be broken with these words: Mutó no eró.
6. Nitro árè mutró.
-Mute spell.
Where one can mute person of choice for a limited period of time. The spell can be broken with these words: Mutró ni aró.

7. Erdó chió ír dió.
-Glass spell.
Where one can turn person of choice into glass. The spell can be broken with these words: Unknown.

8. Ôtró lé mió turió.
-Truth spell.
Where one can make person of choice tell the truth. The spell works for one truth.
9. Ôritó lés mió turió.
-Truth spell.
Where one can me person of choice tell the truth. The spell continues until broken with these words: Otó turió no mió.
(Jaswarriors4545 this is what Jiyu needs. XD)

10. Itro reversó.
-Reversing spell.
Where one can reverse an action of choice.

11. Imiro dgiago.
-Gender swap.
Where one can turn themselves into their opposite gender. The spell can be broken with these words: Reversó dgiago or Itro reversó.
12. Imúro dgiago.
-Gender swap.
Where one can turn person of choice into their opposite gender. The spell can be broken with these words: Reversi dgiago or Itro reversó.

13. Miró iziró.
-Freeze spell.
Where one can freeze person of choice for a limited period of time. The spell can be broken with these words: Iziró no iró.

14. Temo in altá ierá.
-Time spell.
Where one can enter the time space continuum and travel to whenever they desire.
15. Temo ó altá iziró.
-Time spell.
Where one can freeze time. The spell can be broken with these words: Iziró no temo.

16. Torá malariá ikea ileriá.
-Sleep spell.
Where one can put person of choice to sleep for a limited period of time(the one casting the spell chooses a number). The spell can be broken with these words: Orá lariá ea eriá.

17. Otó eiro, mio liero.
-Love spell.
Where one can put person of choice into a love spell. The spell can be broken with these words: Unknown.


Jiyu is a character (Leo) in Jaswarriors4545's book called 'The Secrete'. I HIGHLY recommend that you check it out also her other books too. :)

EDIT: More spells!!!

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