My Beautiful Queen.

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Gideon flew through the window on a shadow. He moved his hand and mable fell to the floor. "Mable!!! Leave her alone you perverted piece of fluff!" Dipper screamed. "Oh don't you like me having her?! Don't be so selfish! Or maybe you like her too?! That is unfortunate as you are her twin!!!! Hahaha!" He clenched his fist and crushed dipper more. "Leave dipstick alone!" Shouted mable still recovering from her fall. He raised his hand and mable was lifted by a shadow hook on her chest. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Dipper!!!! Help!!!! Ahhhh!!!!" She screamed! "I'm trying" dipper said as he tried to struggle free.

The door burst open and Sues and Wendy ran through. "What is happe-ahhhhhh!!!!" Wendy screamed as she was lifted up by her feet by shadows. Her hat fell to the ground. "I will save you wen..." Sues was cut off by a falling shadow brick that knocked him out. Gideon tightened the dark fist around dipper untill he was screaming.

Mabel had reached the ceiling and was hanging upside down her skirt and sweater and hair dangling down. She felt the hook disappear and she plumited to the floor at a ridiculous speed. Everything went dark.

"Leave Mabel alone!!!!!!" Screamed dipper as he broke free of the shadows crushing him. He dropped but landed on his feet. He ran up a shadow tentacle and jumped off and grabbed onto the hook hanging Wendy. He hit the hook continually untill he decided to bite it. He bit the hook. It broke dropping Wendy and dipper. Gideon swiped his hand out and hit dipper with a shadow knife. It went through him and it hurt but it didn't damage him. Another shadow fist crushed his legs. Gideon picked up Mabel and Carried her out the window. "My beautiful queen." He said to her unconscious face as he flew of into the woods.

The shadow creature swiped for Wendy forming a spinning blade but dipper broke free of the shadows and jumped in front of Wendy. "Waaaaahhhhhhh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Screamed dipper as he rolled on the floor. "W-wendy... I-i found his w-weakn-ness. T-turn the l-light off and k-keep you finger on t-the switch. "got it!" Wendy replyed. She did what he said and the monster let out a scream and then there was a bang. Wendy turned the lights on again and ran towards dipper. "Dipper, are you OK?" Wendy asked desperately. "Y-yes. Just a little shocked. The wounds have disappeared with the creature. I'm OK. Really." Dipper replyed. Wendy turned and gave dipper a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for saving me twice back there. You were really brave." "R-really?" Dipper had turned bright red! "It's fine. It-ts what f-freinds do."

Sues woke up. "Hello? What happened. Ow my head hurts. Oh hey guys!" "Oh sues we completely forgot about you! Sorry!" Wendy said apologetically. "We need to go after Gideon now before mable gets hurt!" Dipper cried out! They stood up and and walked out the door. Ready to find Gideon...

This took ages to write but I'm really proud. Again I am tired so if there are mistakes don't shout at me.

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