Little old me's Little old escape.

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"I will get you, my queen. I will get you!!!!" Yelled Lil Gideon in his cramped prison cell.

Dipper woke up the next morning to see Mable playing with her grappling hook and swinging from the ceiling light with it. "Look dipping sauce! I can fly!" Mabel shouted. Thud! "Are you sure?" Dipper asked sarcastically. Mabel went downstairs to get a bandage for her bleeding knee.

Dipper followed her down and sat on the living room chair. Ouch! Something was digging into his back. He moved the cushion to find a thigh bone. "Erggg!" Dipper grunted as he tossed it away. He turned the old TV on and it came straight on to the news in which a reporter stood before the gravity falls prison. "Psychopathic mind-reader lil' Gideons prison cell has been found empty apart from a note saying 'little old me is going to find his queen'. Police are on the case but have not found anything apart from this note yet. Back to you in th-" dipper turned off the TV and dropped the remote. He ran up the stairs and into his and Mable's room.

"So Gideon has escaped and he's after me?" Mabel asked. "Yes. Or that's what the note said anyway." Dipper replied. "We need to find him and stop him. He is not going to get me! Only Dominic is allowed me!" Mable announced proudly. "Is that tour new crush of the week?!" "Stop teasing me!"

Lil Gideon walked along the back alleys of the town square of gravity falls. He was heading for the mystery shack but he needed to go to the magic forest first. He pranced along happily humming his theme song untill he reached the edge of the woods. He pulled out a an old book with a 6 fingered hand on with a number 4 marked on it. He flipped it to the page about calling creatures. "Crack-ca-kie-coiy" he croaked. There was the sound of a twig braking. Then a shadow appeared in front of him. It worked!

Dipper and Mabel were planning what they should do in there room when the lights went out and the curtains drew. Suddenly they were lifted up by nothing. The lights came back on and Mabel and dipper were bieng held against the wall by... A shadow!? "Ahhhhhhhhhh! Let go of me!!!!" Mabel screamed. "Who are you?!" Dipper shouted. "Oh! It's only lil' old me!" Said the rising figure outside the window.

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