Loki's Base

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Thor was finally ready to go back to Earth. He said goodbye to his friends who were not allowed to go with them, because they were needed there.

"I know you can defeat Loki," Fandral said to Violet. "You're a very bright child."

"Thank you," Violet smiled, and was going to shake his hand, but surprisingly he gave her a small hug.

"Be careful," He said.

Violet nodded, not sure what to say. Anthony saw Fandral hug her, and his face burned with jealousy, but he knew that they were only friends.

"I will see you again, father," Anthony said, looking up at his dad's face.

Heimdall bent down and whispered something into Anthony's ear that made him smile and nod. "I will," He said.

"Good," Heimdall smiled.

"We need to go," Thor told everyone.

They all crowded around Thor, ready to go. Right before Heimdall put his sword into the pedestal like thing, Anthony grabbed Violet's hand.

They were sucked into it so fast that Violet didn't have enough time to react. As they traveled down, she was able to look over at Anthony who was right beside her.

She couldn't help but smile, because she now knew that he liked her back. When they landed somewhere in Canada near Loki's base, Bucky saw them holding hands.

"What's this?" Bucky asked, giving Anthony a stern look.

Violet looked at their hands, blushed and pulled her hand away. "I didn't mean anything by it," Anthony said quickly. "I was just making sure that she stuck with us."

"Oh... right...," Bucky said, unconvinced.

"Shush," Peter whispered, putting his index finger to his lips.

They all looked at Peter. He motioned for them to follow him and Thor, and they did. They snuck up the hill they had landed behind, and when they reached the top, they had to lie down on their stomachs so they wouldn't be seen.

They could see Loki's base. It was a big cement building, with a lot of people doing a bunch of different things, and by the looks of it, they were already testing Loki's death machine.

They had a baby goat tied up, and they were going to shoot it! Violet couldn't let them get away with it, so without really thinking about the consequences, she jumped up, and ran at the bad guys.

In Asgard they had given her a small pouch she could wear full of water, so she opened it, and made a long strand of water come out. She made the water rush over to the goat, cut the rope, pick it up, and bring it to her right before they shot.

The blast would have killed the poor thing. It made a huge hole in the ground, and pieces of dirt flew everywhere. The people working on it looked at her; hold the goat as she used her free hand to keep the water out, so she could fight if she needed.

"That's the last sister!" One shouted. "Get her!"

Violet nearly screamed, and she began running back towards the boys. All of the people who had been working on it ran at Violet. Some of them had guns and others had tools or Tasers. It was terrifying.

Violet made it back to her friends, but the bad guys were close behind her, so Peter and Thor jumped out, and began attacking them with their weapons. Peter with his guns and Thor with his hammer.

Violet BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now