The Escape

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The next day, the girls all got ready to go to the funeral, with sad faces and aching hearts. Once they finished, they got a taxi ride to the location on the paper the man had handed to Aunt Betty, which took a long time get to. They drove out into the country, but they didn't pay attention to where they were going. They were too sad to say or do anything.

When the car finally stopped, they looked around, and realized that they weren't at any funeral! It was a trap. Hydra had caught them! Guards came running out of the big building in front of them and grabbed them. Rachael tried to fight back, but nothing worked.

They were brought into a big lab where there were nine little metal rooms that looked quite cold. A small scientist came over to them saying, "Welcome. I am Arnim Zola. I'm guessing you would like to see your brother?"

"What have you done to him?" Violet glared, her eyes full of so much anger, that no one had ever seen in her before, that it startled her sisters a little.

"Oh, don't worry," Zola smiled. "He's quite well, but I don't think he'll remember you. We had to change a few things. Bring him in."

Two other scientists brought Bucky into the room, but Bucky's left arm was now metal, and he looked like he had been through a lot of pain.

"Bucky!" Violet shouted first, and the rest of them echoed.

He looked at them with a blank stare as if there was nothing there. "They brainwashed him!" Rachael shouted. "You evil monsters!"

"Oh, so harsh," Zola joked, with a laugh. "Put all of them on ice."

"What about the old lady?" One guard asked, which meant Aunt Betty.

"Her too, we don't need them yet," Zola said.

The guards put each of them in their own little metal room, and closed the big metal door, leaving them in the cold. Violet tried to look out of the window in the metal door, but suddenly, she froze, she was completely frozen over, but she didn't know, because she had fallen into a deep sleep, and wouldn't be woken for a long time.

Many Years Later, After World War II Ended

Violet suddenly woke up, and felt herself fall onto the ground. Her eyes were blurry, but she could tell that there were people around her. She couldn't speak and she was too weak to move.

"Violet?" She heard a familiar voice say, and they sounded pretty surprised and relieved.

Her eyes cleared a little and she felt herself being put onto a bed of some kind. She looked up into the face of Steve Rogers.

"Steve," She said with a very weak voice. "Where are my sisters?"

"They're safe," He told her. "We just got them free, Aunt Betty too."

"Bucky?" Violet barely managed to say.

Steve didn't answer, but before Violet could say anymore, she blacked out and fell unconscious again.

The next time she woke up, she was in a hospital bed, and she was feeling much better, other than the terrible headache she had. She noticed Steve was sitting on a chair near her right. She looked around the room. Everything was very strange. There was a needle in her arm, and the needle was hooked to a little tube that went up and into a small packet of some sort of liquid. There was also a little machine that was beeping.

The room was white, and, basically everything was white except for the curtains and the flooring was light, hard wood.

She looked at Steve, but didn't say anything. When he saw her awake, he looked very relieved and was by her side, holding her hand in the blink of an eye.

Violet BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now