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She jumped when someone suddenly grabbed her hand. "Who's there?" She asked, frightened.

"Be quiet," The person said. "It's okay. Follow me."

It sounded like a man, and she had no other choice but to follow the man. Where else could she go?

He led her somewhere, going slow so she wouldn't trip and fall. After what seemed forever they came to an opening which led outside. It was night time and the only light they had was from the full moon.

Violet could finally get a good look at the man. He was tall with reddish-brown hair and a handsome face. The moon was so bright that she could even tell what color his eyes were; Green.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Star-Lord," He said.

"Who?" Violet asked.

He sighed. "Never mind... I'm Peter Quill. Now come on."

He basically dragged her over to a pretty big space ship. He made her follow him inside, and waiting there was Bucky, Steve, Josh, Anthony, Sam, Katie, Rachael, Michelle and Freya.

Violet pulled her hand out of Peter's and ran to her friends and family; Hugging every one of them. They were very glad to see that she was now safe.

"We were so worried about you!" Bucky said, hugging her again.

"What happened?" Violet wondered.

"These guys saved us," Michelle said. "But it was harder to get you out. You were in the deepest dungeons and even if you are a king or queen they would rather not get anyone out from there."

"Why was I there?" Violet wondered.

"Because they sensed a great power in you," Peter cut in. "So, where did you guys get these powers anyhow?"

"We were born with them," Freya said.

"But why doesn't your brother have any powers?" Peter asked.

"Because he's just too cool for powers," Violet said. "Look at his awesome metal arm!"

Bucky smiled at Violet while Peter glanced at his arm. "Yeah... so?" Peter said.

Freya's face seemed to turn red from anger, but Rachael pinched her arm and made her stop. Peter and his friends did save them after all.

"Where's the truck?" Violet wondered.

"I'm afraid the truck is gone," Peter said. "They melted it down and used the metal. I'm afraid you'll have to travel with us for now."

"Who are these creatures anyway?" Racheal asked. "Why do they live here?"

"They come from this planet far away from here that was attacked by Ice Giants," Peter said. "Their world was taken over, but the ones here escaped. They found this planet and made their own kingdom underground."

Violet looked around at the ship. "Where do you come from?" She asked.

"Earth, like you, but I grew up in space," Peter answered. "My friends are from different planets."

"I can tell," Violet said.

"We better get going," Peter said. "It won't take long for them to find out you're gone."

Violet BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now