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Three days passed and Violet and her sisters were feeling much better. They could get around easier and the nurse finally let them start visiting poor Aunt Betty. 

Aunt Betty had been quite ill, but hearing that the girls and Bucky were still there with her, made her perk right up and she finally began to get well, especially after seeing the sisters, cheerful and looking healthy.

Violet was in her room, reading about the new world from the books Steve had found for her. Everything was so different, some things she liked, some things she hated, but she liked and hated things from her time too. She did miss her time ever so much. She missed her old friends and the old cars and buildings and their old house, even the hospitals were different. She became very depressed, so she decided to go and talk with Aunt Betty.

She wasn't supposed to leave her room without a nurse, a doctor or Steve with her, but she did, and as she made her way down the hall to Aunt Betty's room. Her doctor's young assistant, Anthony Sydney, caught her in the hall, by grabbing her shoulders.

He was a Mexican-American, with dark, curly black hair and dark green eyes, with tan skin, and a kind smile. He also had some facial hair, but it wasn't like really thick. Just some whiskers, but Violet thought he looked good with it.

He looked down at her and said, "What are you doing out here alone?"

"I was going to go visit Aunt Betty," She replied, with a guilty smile. "I wanted to talk to her about my worries."

"What kind of worries?" He wondered, he wasn't angry with her, but he was very concerned for her health. She looked pretty pale.

"The new things that are different from my time," She replied, looking into his dark green eyes. "Please let me speak to her."

He thought for a moment and smiled with a twinkle in his eye. He was about four years older than Violet, but he was very smart and kind. "Well, she just finished her lunch. I suppose you can visit for a little while. Just knock on the door when you're done and I'll bring you back to your room."

Violet was thirteen and quite tall for her age, but she grabbed his hand and he led her the rest of the way, and let her in Aunt Betty's room, closing the door behind him as he left.

"Come sit, my dear," Aunt Betty smiled, patting beside her on her bed.

Violet gladly went and sat on the side of Aunt Betty's bed, with a face full of sadness and confusion. Aunt Betty became worried. "Is something wrong, dear?"

"I'm just a little upset about everything," Violet began. "I miss our time and my friends and our old house."

Aunt Betty understood, she hugged Violet and said, "I do too, but we're here now, and I'm very glad we're here together, and we're all healthy. Bucky isn't gone, and we have Steve, who has many friends that would be glad to help us with anything."

"Yes," Violet agreed, but she was still a little upset. She sighed, and promised herself that she would always look on the bright side of things, so she put a smile on her face and replied "I'm glad you're here with us."

"I'm glad I have you and your sisters," Aunt Betty smiled gratefully, and hugged Violet again.

The nurse peeked in and said that Aunt Betty needed her rest. Anthony Sydney poked his head in after the nurse left, and looked at Violet, meaning that it was time to go.

"I'll come visit sometime tomorrow," Violet said, hugging Aunt Betty. "Thank you for the talk."

Anthony Sydney took Violet's hand and brought her back to her room, and after making sure she was comfortable, he went back to work. Violet missed having Steve visit, but there had been some things going on between him and Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man. They could never seem to get along.

Violet BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now